Four baby bunnies, a Golden Retriever, and a bird move in together… And they got along really well.
Bailey is a pretty female Golden Retriever, and by the looks of it, has taken on the role of “Mother” to the bunnies and the bird. Whether she suspects or knows that they’re not exactly like her is anyone’s guess.
One bunny is directly under Bailey but since there is so much fluffiness going on, there’s no chance of getting a squashed bunny on that bed. In fact, that bunny seems to like being under Bailey. So much warmth.
The adorable dog couldn’t care less. She maintains her position, letting the bunnies hop around her. Those eyes are as gentle as gentle can be!
Look at how Bailey watches those bunnies play around. Tell me that’s not love on her golden face. Pretty sure those bunnies feel secure and safe with their big mother. And what a big mom they have!
This video is new but already it has over 7.5 million views. There’s almost nothing better than ridiculously cute animal videos to take your mind off things and relax!
“No clue how this got on my recommended but I’m not complaining.”
We’re not either. In fact, we’re willing to bet most of you would love to be on that bed with these cute creatures right now. Shut the world out and just have a lot of hugging and snuggling with Bailey and friends. I would.
You know how bunnies like to sniff everything by twitching those little noses? Lots of that here. And Bailey herself does a little sniffing of her adopted babies. They smell a little… different.
Wonder if Bailey can differentiate between those four bunnies?
Well one bunny goes off to the side of the bed and waiting there is a really cute white and blue critter. Another one of Bailey’s adopted kids. What a big, golden heart she has!
“So cool how all your animals are in harmony together. Even the bird is chilling.”
The bunnies have this inquisitive nature to them and Bailey just looks done. Like a tired mother watching her toddlers, she just stays in one position letting them play around. Her eyes are alert but relaxed like any burned out guardian. Unless Bailey is just lazy…
Imagine walking in to that room and seeing an abundance of cuddles on a bed. Which one would you grab first? Bailey may want to go first. Get permission from the mom before approaching her kids. After all, she’s the one with social media accounts here. No kidding.
“These are weird little dogs, but I guess they’re mine now”
That’s right they are, Bailey. And you’re doing a wonderful job too. We’ll pay a visit next time.