Young girl “faints” in front of all her farm animals to see what they’ll do
There are many pranks online but none are quite like this one.
Michael Dabu

Pranks (practical jokes) or social experiments are staged acts that are set to test how people react to extreme or awkward situations. A lot of people do this online, we often call them social media influencers or vloggers.

They bring entertainment to the online community by doing hilarious pranks.

Although sometimes, there were those “pranks gone wrong” or “failed pranks”.


Either way, their sole purpose is to bring happiness to people. Just take the young girl on this video as an example. Though, you might find her videos a little different because she’s not pulling pranks on people.

She is making fun out of farm animals.

YouTube/Adventures with the Cringe Kid
YouTube/Adventures with the Cringe Kid

Yes, you read that right! Unlike other YouTubers, this innocent girl does all sorts of videos together with their farm animals. She owns a YouTube channel called ‘Adventures with the Cringe Kid’ and she calls herself ‘The Cringe Kid’.

Her channel is filled with tons of videos featuring her exciting life on the farm. According to the ‘About’ section of her channel, she “lives on a farm and has many weird adventures daily.”

Can she pull the prank off?


In the video, the girl wants to find out how her farm animals would react if she pretends to faint in front of them. We have seen this with home pets like dogs and cats, only this time, it’s farm animals like cows, horses, and sheep.

As she narrates in the video:

“Today, I’m gonna be fainting in front of my animals to get their reactions. Hopefully, they’d like to try and save me. Hopefully, I don’t get stepped on.”

‘The Cringe Kid’ starts off with a long-horned cow, she puts up the act and pretends to faint. Though puzzled by what’s going on, the cow starts to sniff on her. It even tries to wake her up by licking off her left knee.

YouTube/Adventures with the Cringe Kid
YouTube/Adventures with the Cringe Kid

The cow even tries to give her a kiss!

What a sweet and caring animal. Though there’s no telling if the cow knows what really happened, what immediately shows there is the concern it has for the girl.

Her second victim is quite the ‘hard-to-get type. It’s a bull that’s peacefully laying on the grass, then that peace gets wrecked in an instant. When the young girl begins with her act, she startles the resting victim.

YouTube/Adventures with the Cringe Kid
YouTube/Adventures with the Cringe Kid

The unsuspecting bull tries to compose itself and stares at the girl. It’s trying to recollect its thoughts about what just happened seconds ago. It even stares at the camera but does absolutely nothing to rescue ‘The Cringe Kid’.

This time, it’s a fail! So she jumps onto her next prospect victim.

She did the same to another cow, horses, cats, calf, and sheep.

YouTube/Adventures with the Cringe Kid
YouTube/Adventures with the Cringe Kid

The farm girl executed the same act and everything seemed to work fine.

All of the animals showed concern to their “fallen” human.

YouTube/Adventures with the Cringe Kid
YouTube/Adventures with the Cringe Kid

She uploaded the video on her channel and as of this writing, it already has over 2 million views! A lot of people also commented showing their appreciation to ‘The Cringe Kid’ because they see her videos as a breath of fresh air.

One commenter wrote:

“A kid outside just having fun. This just reminds me of how much of a blessing it is to grow up outside city limits.”

YouTube/Adventures with the Cringe Kid
YouTube/Adventures with the Cringe Kid

While this one compared her to other content creators on YouTube:

“Cringe kid? Nah this is a kid who is having a great time, nothing cringy about that, plus this is better then most content made by kids on YouTube nowadays. Honestly this is refreshing to see.”

YouTube/Adventures with the Cringe Kid
YouTube/Adventures with the Cringe Kid

We can’t agree more, this young girl is just living her simple life as a kid. She’s a kid doing kid stuff and to us, there’s nothing wrong with having fun!

Watch the video below to see the farm animals’ funny reactions to the prank.

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