Woman protects a giant moth during thunderstorm then is chosen to raise 200 of her babies
After letting the moth come into her home during an intense thunderstorm she had no idea of what she would leave behind.
Ma Fatima Garcia

Tala is a Florida-based psychology graduate that loves to draw and also does cosplay.

When you see her work and cosplay characters, you will be amazed by how good she is.

Until one day, Tala saw a Polyphemus moth in her driveway.

She recorded the moth because it looked like it didn’t know how to fly yet, then it started crawling on her.

Tala, who feared moths, felt terrified!

She froze, and the moth looked like it was staring directly at her. Then, a huge breeze knocked the moth, but it would not give up.

TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou
TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou

The moth crawled back on Tala, and after a few minutes, she felt comfortable.

“She looked cute,” Tala posted on her TikTok account.

The next day, she saw the moth again, but now she was with a mate.

TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou
TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou

Soon after, Tala took the moth inside her home the night because of a thunderstorm, but let her go the next morning.

That was the last time Tala saw the beautiful moth.

Did you know moths live short lives?

TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou
TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou

These lovely moths can’t eat. They survive using the food they had reserved during the time they were caterpillars. They only have about a week or two to live.

Their mission is to find a mate, lay their eggs, and rest until the time comes that they die.

Tala went back inside thinking about how she overcame her fear of moths only to find out that her journey had just started.

TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou
TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou

Inside, she saw the moth’s eggs.

The moth had 200 eggs, and even though they were many, Tala decided that it was her duty to raise all of them.

TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou
TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou

Each day was an adventure for Tala. She researched and made sure that she gave all of them a nice place where they could eat and rest until they transformed into moths.

She even shared her journey on TikTok.

TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou
TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou

The first TikTok she posted already garnered 16.4M, and people started calling her “Moth Mom,” a nickname she never expected.

Tala was so happy when she saw the first caterpillar spin its cocoon.

TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou
TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou

Soon after, the others started doing so as well. When it was time for them to come out as beautiful moths, she felt super excited.

This kind-hearted woman didn’t fail her first moth friend.

According to her, 180 moths hatched. Now, that’s a great job because taking care of these caterpillars until they hatch is a full-time responsibility.

TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou
TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou

She went to different parks and released the moths.

From a woman who feared moths to someone who now has a dream. Now, she wishes to help people understand more about these wonderful creatures and other insects as well.

Tala, popularly known as Moth Mom, has been enjoying her life doing the things she loves.

TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou
TikTok Screenshot / talalovesyou

She draws, does amazing cosplays, and tends to different moths, a promise of love and friendship, thanks to that one moth that changed her life.

Follow her on TikTok and Instagram. Watch her viral TikTok below.

@talalovesyouart Thinking about her ✨ #fyp #moth #polyphemusmoth ♬ Married Life from UP – Lili

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