Having close, reliable neighbors can be the best thing in the world.
Yet, it’s a completely different story if they’re the ‘nosy’ type.
When Porch conducted a survey of more than 1,000 people to see what was the “most annoying” trait in a neighbor – someone who invaded privacy made the top of the list.

One “nosy neighbor” in Arkansas liked to look over her fence to see what was going on in another yard.
Most people wouldn’t want someone going out of their way to spy into their property.
It sounds a little creepy, don’t you think?
Fortunately, this particular situation was actually hysterical and it was all caught on film!

In the video below, we see a big wooden fence. Just wait for it…
Why, hello there!
The nosy neighbor is a Great Dane named Gabby and she can be seen jumping high into the air to peek over the fence.
Now, Great Danes are known for being tall dogs, but Gabby wouldn’t be able to jump that high without a little help.
Turns out, she learned to use her family’s trampoline which gave her some assistance.

Ready for a good chuckle?
Just wait until you see how funny it is when Gabby jumps on the trampoline over and over again.
One moment she’s not there… Then the next, you see her fly into the air like she’s a superhero!
You can hear the sounds of the trampoline, and also Gabby’s barks and whimpers.
It seems like this girl would love to get out and explore the neighborhood.
If you had to live next door to a neighbor that liked looking over the fence – it wouldn’t be so bad with Gabby.
We’ve seen our fair share of annoying neighbors on television over the years.
From Full House’s Kimmy Gibbler to Married with Children’s Steve and Marcy.
It didn’t seem like having Steve Urkel next door was a walk in the park either!
So please, I’d happily take a jumping Great Dane over any of those characters.

Curious what else made Porch’s list when it comes to the most annoying things neighbors can do?
Their survey revealed that being loud was the second most annoying trait in a neighbor.
Also making the chart were residents not picking up after their dog, taking a parking space that wasn’t theirs (or blocking a driveway), and kids not being supervised.

Talk about a multi-tasker.
Besides Gabby keeping herself and other residents in the neighborhood entertained, it looks like she was getting in a bit of exercise too!
According to the AKC, Great Danes need daily exercise, such as “two brisk walks of decent length.”
However, they don’t address whether or not jumping on a trampoline would count…

It’s not surprising that the video has over 1.7M views.
While some people enjoy laughing over slapstick humor, sometimes simply watching an overgrown dog jump on a trampoline is comical enough.
One YouTube viewer wrote:
“After the week I’ve had, this is just what I needed to see!”
Click on the video below to watch Gabby’s hilarious jumping for yourself. Isn’t it hilarious?
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Source: YouTube – Jeff Davis, Daily Mail, Porch, AKC