German shepherd won’t let man’s hand go until he gets what he wants
This demanding pup knows what he wants!
Blake Hyatt

You can’t always get what you want. Just ask The Rolling Stones.

But sometimes, there are ways to get more. Sure, it may take a little nudging and a dash of annoying persistence, but a little push, although often selfish, can be personally advantageous.

This German Shepherd’s been flexing a new way to get more of what he loves – belly rubs. For him, enough isn’t enough.

More than enough probably isn’t even enough.


German Shepherd’s are known for their distinctive black and brown coats, large frames, and intelligence. They’re often aloof and very selective with their friendships.


Our cunning canine has come up with some sly tricks in attempting to satiate his insatiable palette.

You see, he really likes belly rubs. So much so, that he can’t get enough, literally.

Generally, a single, sustained pat or rub isn’t satisfying. No, not at all.

This German Shepherd wants it all, all the time.

After an initial belly rub, Todd’s unnamed friend (Todd speaks offscreen in the footage) finds himself in somewhat of a pickle.

He goes in for another…

The Shepherd’s eyes sparkle, looking at the camera. He’s got something up his dog sleeve.


Todd’s friend finalizes his rub. No big deal, right?

Nope, this German Shepherd wants more. He’s pretty pushy.

He clenches Todd’s friend’s arm, begging for more. He may not know it yet, but he’s trapped.


Please excuse his behavior – he just really, really likes belly rubs.

They are sublime, I can’t blame him.

Our dog friend swipes softly at his human counterpart, establishing a firm grasp. Fortunately, Todd’s friend is a good sport – he likes playing with pooch anyway.


Todd’s friend gives him a quick rub and then retracts his hand before his canine companion can even react.

Things don’t quite compute for his canine counterpart.


He does some sort of a somersault in place, flipping 180 degrees onto his belly.

He turns to face his human friend, who’s a little bewildered by this point.

The German Shepherd wants more… So much more.

Eyes wide and mouth agape, his expression says it all.


Todd’s friend gives him a little more love. He’s a lover, himself. Another belly rub, coming right up!

Our dog friend goes absolutely bonkers in satisfaction.

He had to work for this one.


Our esteemed German Shepherd’s figured out how to get one or two more rubs from his human friends.

He knows exactly how to get more of what he wants.

It’s not much, just a little push – or I guess a grab in this case. Maybe not explicitly coercion, but a peck of persistence, perhaps.

I’d imagine his tactics being successful on most people. At the very least, he’ll likely get one or two more rubs out of his relentlessness.

But I’ve always wondered – why do dogs love belly rubs so much?

Unsplash/Lucian Dachman
Unsplash/Lucian Dachman

Turns out, most mammals have neurons that are stimulated when certain regions of hair are touched. The phenomenon has been observed across a variety of mammalian species, including cats, dogs, mice, and humans. Physically and psychologically, mammals respond positively to caressing. Dog belly rubs, although certainly physically pleasing, also exhibit a general comfort with one’s surroundings.

When dogs adorably pressure you into a belly rub, they’re not only seeking sensitive physical stimulation, but they’re also indicating their comfort with you.


Todd’s friend looks out of belly rubs for now.

Our friend the German Shepherd bides his time…

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