Sweet German Shepherd Turns To Find Owner Not Behind Him
Jack Bradley

Lights, camera, action! The latest action vehicle for your favorite dog actor is about to go into production. Or so it may seem with this funny video.

A guy walking his dog decides to play a trick on her by hiding behind a tree. He films the loyal German Shepherd’s reaction as she figures out her owner is lost. The video is like a big-budget action movie when it uses music cues like a spine tinglling thriller.

We can only imagine what the movie would be like.

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Jason Bourne as a dog?

The video starts with happy go lucky walking music, then once the owner jumps behind the tree the score turns this little cell phone video into a Hollywood epic. The tense action movie music, which you’d see a big celebrity star chasing after the bad guy, plays as the dog looks around for his owner. This might be some of the best acting you’ll see all summer.
stokpic from Pixabay
stokpic from Pixabay

Can you imagine the movie poster?

You got your popcorn and head to your theater, and the latest movie poster catches your eye. A dog plays the starring role in a new action movie. Maybe he’s jumping through a ball of fire? Or jumping over a speeding car. I’m positive that whatever the poster is, the dog will be jumping out of the poster in some way.

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Thriller or Buddy Comedy

Or maybe it’s a buddy comedy where a hard-boiled cop gets assigned a police dog. The K9 cop has not only a superior snout, but also a heart of gold. In the third act we’ll be seeing that bullheaded cop get all sentimental and in touch with his delicate loving side. You might need to bring a hanky for this one.
skeeze from Pixabay
skeeze from Pixabay

The Perfect Movie Star

German Shepherd’s are everything you want in a celebrity. They’re large in stature, muscular, athletic, and demonstrate high intelligence. Plus they have a distinctive quality that sets them apart from the pack. The American Kennel Club describes the breed on its website.

“There are many reasons why German Shepherds stand in the front rank of canine royalty, but experts say their defining attribute is character: loyalty, courage, confidence, the ability to learn commands for many tasks, and the willingness to put their life on the line in defense of loved ones.”

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Some of the YouTubers comment with scene suggestions.

“Plot twist-The dog pulled out a phone and said ‘He’s gone bois.’”

“The dog was probably playing a joke on him too. “I was just pretending to be looking for you. I could smell you the whole time.” Lol”

“I heard the dog say “Ugh. This happens everyday. I should really buy a leash for him.””

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The Happy Ending

Like all good movies, the lead character goes through the wringer, challenged and hindered at each turn, but once the hero has conquered every obstacle in the way, she takes a moment to watch the dust settle and reap the rewards for taking on the challenge. That’s the happy ending we’re all looking for up on the big screen.

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For this loyal companion, the happy ending comes after a long and hard search. She has gone through so many emotions, and then she finally finds her master childishly hiding behind a tree. He laughs and she is able to breathe. Life goes on. Hopefully, as in the movies, everyone is better for having gone on the journey.

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Check out the video, or I mean the latest Hollywood Blockbuster staring your favorite dog actor. And when it’s time for this year’s Oscars, please make sure to cast your vote for this loyal dog. Okay, you have to be a member of the Academy to cast a vote, but we can all dream, can’t we?

Check out his reaction below, what a sweet and smart dog!

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