German Shepherd hears kitten ‘meow’ for first time and his cute confusion melts hearts
Rocky wasn't sure what to make of this kitten.
Jake Manning

Meet Rocky, a German Shepherd who was utterly perplexed by a tiny furball that appeared before him.

The little creature was a mix of white and yellow fluff, and Rocky had no idea what to make of it.

He sniffed the mysterious being but was still clueless. Even his human companions couldn’t offer any insights.

YouTube Screenshot - Rocky
YouTube Screenshot - Rocky

Just when Rocky thought he couldn’t be more confused, the little furball began to move and emit a high-pitched screech.

Intrigued, Rocky sniffed it again, pondering whether it was something he could eat.

He even opened his mouth wide, positioning it over the tiny creature.

YouTube Screenshot - Rocky
YouTube Screenshot - Rocky

But then, something clicked in Rocky’s mind. This wasn’t food.

Plus, all that fur would probably get stuck in his throat. So, he decided to back off.

Yet, the little furball continued to make squealing noises, leaving Rocky to wonder what on Earth it wanted from him.

YouTube Screenshot - Rocky
YouTube Screenshot - Rocky

“What the heck does this thing want? Maybe it needs some kisses?” Rocky thought.

So, he showered the little creature with affectionate licks.

It was then that Rocky realized this must be some sort of baby. After all, he had been a pup not too long ago, born on June 8, 2020.

YouTube Screenshot - Rocky
YouTube Screenshot - Rocky

Rocky knew that babies love cuddles. So, he circled around the tiny furball and sat down, allowing it to get comfortable. But this little one had other plans. It began to climb all over Rocky, who was now even more puzzled about what to do next.

Upon closer inspection, Rocky concluded that this might be one of those “cat things” he had heard about.

According to German Shepherds Dog HQ, German Shepherds and cats can coexist peacefully, despite the significant size difference between the two species. However, it all depends on proper socialization.

YouTube Screenshot - Rocky
YouTube Screenshot - Rocky

The behavior of both the cat and the dog plays a crucial role in how well they’ll get along.

German Shepherd’s Corner notes that cats are generally more “high-strung” than dogs and can hold a grudge for days.

So, understanding the temperament of both animals is essential.

YouTube Screenshot - Rocky
YouTube Screenshot - Rocky

If you’re planning to introduce a German Shepherd and a cat, it’s best to do it when they’re young.

Take it slow and make sure you’re always there to supervise their interactions, especially in the beginning.

German Shepherds, being herding dogs, are naturally inclined to chase things that move quickly, which could be problematic without proper socialization.

YouTube Screenshot - Rocky
YouTube Screenshot - Rocky

As for Rocky and his new feline friend, it seems like they’re off to a great start.

And who knows? Maybe Rocky and the kitten will teach us all a thing or two about unexpected friendships.

YouTube Screenshot - Rocky
YouTube Screenshot - Rocky

These two are so adorable, and it’s so fun to see their sweet interaction. We’re sure they’ll soon be the best of friends.

Check out their full interaction in the video below!

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