Man notices garbageman keeps approaching dog, decides to secretly film him
A dog owner couldn't figure out why his dog reacted the way she did when the trash collector showed up. But he recorded the man's arrival and solved the mystery.

From the mailmen to the trash collectors, dogs seem to just enjoy barking at people who come near their homes.

And that’s what we often train them to do, right?

So it’s not so surprising that when someone new comes into view your dog wants to let you know!


Shelby and the trash collector

Before Joshua Byrne took down his video and passed it on to a viral video distributor, those who saw it could see the details: his dog, Shelby, is a Golden Retriever is a rescue. And she has quite a unique reaction to the twice-weekly visit of the man who comes to collect the family’s trash.

She doesn’t think he’s violating the family’s boundaries – she’s just really happy to see her friend!

“Every week the garbage man takes time to see my pup and say hi. Who said that nice people are hard to find?” he wrote in the video’s original caption, according to InspireMore.

So excited that she just can’t hide it

Shelby would get so excited when the trash collector came that Byrne wasn’t sure what was going on at first, so he set up his camera to catch it.

He noticed Shelby acted weird when the truck pulled up but thought it might be the noise of the breaks.

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YouTube screenshot - Short clips

But he quickly found out that the two had a very friendly relationship.

Holding the camera behind his leg most of the time, the orange truck approaches as Shelby runs out for a greeting.

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YouTube screenshot - Short clips

And, let’s face it, if Shelby can get loose and run out to the road, chances are her family already knew she wasn’t on the attack.

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YouTube screenshot - Short clips

Shelby “on the loose”

It turns out that Shelby’s chain was a bit longer than most. It could reach all the way out to the curb!

In that case, we guess the trash collector really had no choice but to try to make a friend!

As the camera rolled, Byrne found out just what was going on twice a week with his rambunctious Golden Retriever.

She loved these visits and would rush out to greet the man whenever he arrived. In the video, she can be seen bolting at him, full speed ahead, as he bends down.

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YouTube screenshot - Short clips

Shelby puts her own breaks on, stopping just short of him with the assumption that he’ll look up and greet her.

And, of course, that’s precisely what he did. He dropped what he was doing and started petting and hugging his twice-a-week pal.

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YouTube screenshot - Short clips

There was nothing strange going on that needed attention – except maybe that Shelby’s chain was a bit too long!

The original video upload by Byrne reached over 10.5 million views. Now, the video is hosted elsewhere, including Short Clips on YouTube, where it has another half-million views.

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YouTube screenshot - Short clips

The humans say hello

In the end, the two men chat as Shelby sniffs around at their feet.

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YouTube screenshot - Short clips

The mystery is solved and we assume Byrne is explaining his lurking to the trash collector (who hopefully got a big laugh out of it all).

While his account is no longer active, a later video showed just how gentle Shelby is with everyone, including Byrne’s baby daughter. In a video of the two bonding, he wrote:

“Shelby the Golden is back from loving the garbage man during the day to loving my little girl. Every morning my two little pups take a few moments to just love each other. In their own little way.”

What a sweetie!

Be sure to scroll down below to see Shelby greet her friend.

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