There are stubborn people visiting zoos almost every day. Sometimes, there is too much that it becomes hard for the zookeepers to keep an eye on everyone. It got to the point when the zoos begin to make warning signs with messages that are too blunt and real. There are also some bizarre warning signs as well.
Well, you’d understand after you see these 40 zoo signs that people shared after visiting these zoos.
1. Not sure what this sign is implying
Does the tortoise need some water? Is it some sort of compliment? You really can’t be sure, don’t be like the hare who underestimated the tortoise, this animals can beat you any day.

Flickr - AxsDeny
2. Don’t freefall
Yes, because sometimes, people freefall into the snake’s den. This is just the keepers making sure they don’t. Seriously, what’s up with that falling man?

Flickr - Ryan McBride
3. Apparently not the human’s restroom
Just to make it clear, this is the giraffe restroom. There’s no place for us here. Although, you’d be curious about how high the toilets are.

4. Be careful
This is somehow true, but do they really need to emphasize it? Apparently, they should, especially when there are lots who don’t follow rules. Please listen to the zookeepers.
5. Got it
This zoo got a bit creative with their instruction signs. It’s nice to know that you could feed the kangaroos here. However, who does number 3 anyway?

Reddit - Adam4000
6. It does not go both ways
If gorillas could slap the glass, you don’t have to go and imitate them. They evolved from us, it’s not the other way around. Thus, don’t go monkeying in the zoo.

Flickr - fkalltheway
7. It doesn’t matter
Keepers made a “No Feeding” sign for people not to feed the prairie dogs. Well, this one doesn’t like it one bit. He had to take matters into his own teeth.

Flickr - Mark Wilson
8. There’s only one answer
People are stupid sometimes. One way of stopping them to do stupid things is to tell the obvious. And obviously, it won’t be good if the glass here breaks.

Imgur - username5550123
9. Humans are junk food
Zookeepers are just concerned about the animals. They don’t want them to be sick from eating you. So, stay from a safe distance and watch the animals.

10. Too confusing
Do they want people to feed the monkeys or not? The tone sounds even a bit insistent. The translation is just too confusing here.

11. Special diet
The zoo has set its lions on a special diet. Apparently, kids are not on the menu. So, people, stop letting your kids go up close to their den.

Reddit - SweetestSummer
12. They’re putting them on a rehab
Smokers just have that bad habit of throwing away their cigarette butts anywhere. Some even throw them at the fish pond. Zookeepers just wanted the pond to be clean at all times so they made this sign.
13. Don’t complain
Maybe the zookeepers heard about people complaining about why the penguins smell. Well, they just want to remind them that it’s natural for them to smell. They eat a lot of fish after all. There’s nothing fishy about that.

Flickr - Ben Carlisle
14. This is Rule #1
Perhaps this is their rule number 1 for a reason. Maybe it’s gotten annoying that people just pick up their goats all the time. Just to make it clear, do not pick up the goats.

Reddit - quitefunny
15. Poor Norman
Here’s Norman the nine-fingered man. How he became like that was because he tried feeding a monkey at the zoo. Don’t be like Norman.

Reddit - Tinie_Snipah
16. They’re animals, not chairs
Visitors in this zoo had to be reminded that animals are not chairs. The keepers got tired of seeing them sit on them. Hopefully, after this, no one did it again.

Flickr - bifbangpow
17. Oh, so it’s that way
If you want to see the zoo’s exhibit for women, this sign will lead you to it. It’s next to Kangaroos and Wild Australia. On the opposite side are reptiles.

Imgur - NoLongerThatGuy
18. We are junk food
Bears do not need to consume things other than their special diet prepared by the zoo. Humans are on the blacklist of food they aren’t allowed to eat. So, stay away or they’d get a stomachache.

Reddit - maxcrazy
19. That’s kinda offensive
Not sure what this zoo warning sign is implying. Are they talking about female polar bears or perhaps females in general? Steer clear on what you think is the answer.

Reddit - Halucyon
20. Crossbreeding room
It feels like we just saw something we aren’t supposed to see. Hopefully, this is just a design fail, not an animal crossbreeding sign. We don’t want to see what an antelope and rhino’s offspring.

Imgur - JungLean
21. Planet of the apes
This sign is right in most cases. We are said to have evolved from primates after all. If you’re curious, just take a peek at this hole.

Reddit - Thehype105
22. What happened here
How this sign was made, there’s probably a story behind it. I mean, there should be or else this won’t make sense. Well, just be careful riding your wheelchair on a slope where the crocodiles are, okay?

Flickr - James Hill
23. Looks dangerous
Stay away from the rhinos. Who knew that rhinoceros could spray that far? Well, just stay away for four to ten feet before it sprays in your face.

Flickr - slutvision
24. Sure
Whoever made this sign really had bad choices of words. They could have written “pet” or “touch.” Well, it’s up to the reader’s interpretation.

Flickr - carlamatic
25. Urine danger
Well, tapirs could spray as much as the rhinos too. They should put a sign like this on the skunks if they have some. A skunk’s spray is probably much worse than theirs.

Imgur - jakbutt
26. Read again
The sign is really not bad unless someone misreads it. Apparently, the word “Herps” means it’s a collective name given to reptiles and amphibians. So hopefully, people make the habit of reading again to avoid misunderstanding.

Flickr - cookworm
27. Just don’t
Whoever tried to feed the animals fingers, just stop it. They’re not into finger foods. It might get stuck in their throats.

28. Just a warning
Zoos don’t want you leaning anywhere near an animal’s enclosure. That’s not because they’re concerned about you. They just don’t want the animals eating junk, that’s all.

Reddit - naterez
29. You could be rebirthed as a cow
Well, if you believe in rebirth, feel free to risk going near. You could even go inside if you want. If something happens, you could be rebirthed as a baby again, or maybe a cow.

9gag - Smithsonian National Zoological Park
30. So poetic
This sign at a zoo in China could apply everywhere. The translation sounds like it came from a passage in a Shakespeare poem. “Love me, then do not terrify me.”

Reddit - AndrewV
31. Sign at a monkey’s enclosure
This sign reminds us that we’re not apes. So, we should not stoop down to their level. We evolved from them, not devolved from them.

Reddit - devrathnd
32. They’re not as cuddly as you think
Bears are not the same as teddy bears. Don’t even try to hug them. A bear hug could crush your bones in an instant and you don’t want that.

33. This sign seems interesting
Just so you know, this also means “donkey.” Therefore, don’t go there expecting you’d see the other kind. The zoo is not that kind of place

34. Could have said it better than this
This zoo just made it sound like it’s some kind of strip club with how they made this sign. They could have used more words here. Or maybe just put an image of a camera there to avoid misunderstandings.

Flickr - Trav Gertz
35. As simple as that
There’s no better way to say it than this. A simple no with this image would do. Some irresponsible parents just let their child move close to the enclosure like they’re some sort of sacrifice.

36. There’s no escape from this one
This is to make sure that people can’t complain. Although, they still didn’t include all synonyms from the dictionary. What would they do if people tried to fluster them?

37. Makes sense
Why would even someone throw some objects at the crocodile den? If someone is caught doing so, this is just the right punishment. I mean if they want to see them in action, they might get a better look inside.

38. Who did it?
There might be some story behind this sign. Perhaps someone really did punch a llama before. Maybe because the llama spat on that person’s place for some reason.

Reddit - Cody605
39. Zoo staff only
We get that this is is just for zoo staff only. Instead of expecting “trespassers are not allowed” to come next. It ended up being quite scary.

Imgur - OskeeWeeWee
40. The “beware of crocodiles” sign
Be careful not to let your sights off your peers when at the crocodile enclosure. They might suddenly slip and fall in like what’s depicted on the sign. There’s nothing’s clearer than this.

Imgur – OskeeWeeWee
When you go to the zoo, always make sure to follow rules. Even if there are no signs around, our common sense is enough to make us stop doing stupid things. We should not stress out the zoo staff, and most importantly the animals living their best life there.
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