Of course, it always helps to have photos.
While these furry ones aren’t starting scrapbooks anytime soon, someone managed to capture their very funny firsts – from their first time outside to their first glimpse of another animal.
All 70 of these photos cracked us up in a different way.
1. Kitty’s first jaunt in the snow
And we’ve been there.
We have the feeling it won’t be lingering at the door for a while asking to be let out!

2. First time in a creek
We wonder just how long it took her to come out.
3. Furball’s first time in the fridge
Of course, it was less fun than he expected.
His face looks like all of life’s disappointments hit him at once.

4. First time on TV
Or is this how it “acts natural”?

5. First time with the vacuum
But who isn’t really?
The loud sounds, the sucking action, and it seems to move on its own. Creepy stuff.

6. First time meeting kittens
hey are very curious about him but he knows who rules the roost now.
Poor pup.

7. First time meeting a baby
Who knew humans came in such a tiny size?
What the heck is she supposed to do with this thing?!

8. First time up the stairs
It’s pretty exhausting stuff when you’re shorter than the step itself.
Best to take a nap halfway through.

9. First sight of his shadow
This guys seems afraid of the black dog following him around.
But at least he’ll go away at night.

10. Kitty’s first solid food
Looks like they better not feed him after midnight or get him wet!

11. Puppy’s first mirror
Well, now he knows just how adorable he is!

12. First dog sighting
And we don’t know what it’s looking at, but it seems to be one mighty large dog!
13. First sand in the hooves
You were probably this happy too!
14. First trip outside
Though his view is only from the deck, perhaps it’s even more frightening from that height.
That or he’s making a nefarious plan.

15. Litter’s first kitty sighting
It looks like they are quite interested in these little kittens. It’s too cute for words!

16. First snow on the snoot
He looks like he is having a great time with this new white fluff.
And that yellow stuff? It wasn’t there before he got here.

17. First whiff of baby
But we have the feeling the sweet baby smell isn’t the only scent in the air!

18. Dog’s first playground trip
So, maybe this isn’t a special first but it is a first.
Just look at him! Adorbs.

19. First bask in the grass
She loves the way that it feels on her back.
This is a lesson we can all learn on appreciating the great outdoors.

20. First high-five greeting
That’s way more embarassing than a whiff.

21. First time with the wind in her hair
But dogs can get away with that. This girl never wants to go back inside now.

22. Kitty’s first Christmas
He wants that thing so bad that he’d do anything for it. Anything.

23. Puppy’s first squirrel
We bet the squirrel is pretty freaked out too.
24. First glimpse of his sister
He just loves his new little baby girl.
That or he’s really confused.

25. First time on the ground
This is her first trip outside and she doesn’t know if it’s safe yet.
Luckily, she’s on a leash, so she’s all good.

26. Kitties’ first watermelon
So, why not try to take a bite out of it?
If they could, they’d carry it off to devour away from the papparazzi.

27. First look at the magical ceiling fan
What else do they not know? Does the vacuum make sound too?

28. Doggo’s first kitty scratch
Cats are mean, according to this little pupper.
Or at least, that’s what he’s going to assume.

29. Puppy’s first bathtime
Depends on who you ask.
This dog isn’t quite sure about it.
It’s not the worst ever but what’s with all this funny tasting white stuff?

30. First snow day
It’s his first time in the white stuff and he is more than happy to have a snow day to play with his favorite humans.

31. First time on the subway
Either there is a rule against pets on the floor of the train or he is quite scared.
We’re guessing it’s the latter.

32. First snow sighting
It is snowing outside and he can not figure out what is happening to the window.
There’s something out there, something bad.

33. Kitten’s first rainstorm
He was doing fine before it started, but now he wants inside so bad he could tear the door down.
Someone let that kitty in!

34. First nap with dad
We predict many future happy naps ahead for both of them.
35. Kitty’s first carpet
It is so very confused about what’s going on.
But how does one explain?
36. First breath of fresh air
And she’s clearly concentrating on all the new smells.

37. First snow nope
He walked out and turned right back around.
Is it a good day to go potty inside?

38. First taste of lime
It certainly doesn’t taste anything like the other treats he has been offered.
He should have known by the smell that it wasn’t bacon.

39. Ralph’s first day out
All he wants to do is go and greet everyone with a big jump and a lot of licks.

40. First sun stare
At just two weeks old, she got to go out and see the sun for the first time.
Our eyes are as misty as hers (but we hope she doesn’t stare too long!).

41. First alone time in the pool
She’s just going to stare at the water until something comes to him.
How long do you think she stood there like that?
42. First swing at the park
His favorite thing there is the swing – he fits so perfectly and his favorite human gives him good underdogs.

43. Baby’s first bubbles
She’s going to get a nasty taste in her mouth once she tries to bite one – but maybe she’ll just stare.
44. First long walk
So exhausting that he couldn’t even make it home on his own.

45. First meeting with baby
Even the guy on TV is wondering what might happen next.

46. First fall day
But this is his favorite season because dry leaves are a blast.

47. Kitten’s first orb
She knows exactly what it’s for. It’s for destroying as soon as the humans go to bed.

48. First outdoor fun
Then you see all of the flowers, grass, dirt, and crazy sunshine. It’s heaven!

49. First sibling reunion
They remember each other and are ready to pick up where they left off.

50. First hop in the grass
Do they all hop this gleefully?
We can only hope so because he spreads such joy!

51. First big hike
Well, unless everyone needed a nap at the top. But it looks like there’s not much time to get back down.
52. First time curiosity irked the cat
Her whole life flashed before her eyes that day and she never wants it to happen again.

53. First time hearing her name
We’ll assume mom or came up with something better when they got to know each other.
54. First time blending in with the outdoors
However, she wishes to go back inside this instant.
Whatever you say, grumpy cat.

55. First bird sighting
So many contradicting feelings. Is it a friend? Is it food?
Why choose?

56. First time back in the wild
This is the first time these squirrels have been outside since they were brought in to be rehabbed.
It looks like they’re confused about what constitutes a tree though.
Guess the messy ponytail wasn’t the way to go.

57. First breath of winter air
This is his first time out in the snow and he’s the first cat to really enjoy it.
Because he’s a boss.

58. First taste of sand
But as soon as he got the picture, he had the time of his life.

59. First stick located!
This is way better than all of those toys that her owner bought her, silly little thing.

60. First taste of peanut butter
In fact, he is quite addicted and wants more immediately.
But we had to be told that because his face says otherwise to us.

61. First solo adventure
In reality, he’s only feet away from his mama but he thinks he’s on an adventure.

62. First time in a box
This guy is so stoked to have a great new toy.
63. First stolen corn
That aside, he hopped into the car after a day in the field and found it himself.

64. First cow kisses
He is definitely not cut out for the farm life if it means he has to do any wrangling.
After all, cows are friends and equals.

65. First outdoor adventure
Sure, the grass is soft and pretty but where is the couch? Where is the litterbox?

66. First flight
They sure do try hard though – and that’s how you make it work!

67. First snowflake
It’s cold and wet, two things that cats do not like at all.
Can we go back inside now?

68. First freedom ride
Just look at how happy she is to be going home for the first time.
All that time without a family makes this day extra special.

69. First kangaroo sighting
He wants to know if his human friend is seeing what he is seeing and if he is as shocked to see such a creature.

70. First snow hop
This is one happy winter pup.
And we know how Waffles feels – we love the snow too!

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