Cats are known for their extra personality. They like to do things with drama. And when it comes to being funny, it’s a natural thing for them. Even without trying hard, they can still make people laugh.
From cats failing to understand directions to cats spacing out after teeth cleaning, here’s a hilarious collection of cats being really funny.

1. What a beautiful baby
Not all people are given the chance to have kids and be parents. In the case of this human, it wasn’t a completely bad thing because she has this super adorable cat. That face can seriously brighten up anyone’s day.

2. Friendship
Cats are known to be moody and grumpy so it was quite surprising how this cat was able to tolerate this kid. I guess that’s what happens when you grow up together.

3. A patient kitten
It’s adorable how patient this kitten. I wonder if he’ll behave the same way once he grows up.

4. No order
Cats don’t have any sense of order. They will just do whatever they want, even if it leaves them in total chaos.

5. Perfect spot
Most cats like sleeping on people’s laps. This one, however, has an unusual preference. He finds this statue’s lap really comfortable.

6. His first cat
This man has spent most of his life trying to avoid cats because of his allergies. After having enough courage, he finally has his own cat. Looking at how satisfied he is, I must say that the shot’s worth it.

7. When you can’t understand the instructions
If you’ve tried making something work without reading instructions, you’ll find this cat extremely relatable. I guess it doesn’t matter how it’s done. The most important thing is that he was able to get his food, even if it was in an awkward way.

8. Just trying to get some love
Cats really like it whenever their fur gets rubbed. Just take a look at this adorable cat. He spotted a chance and he took it!

9. This cat’s face
I would probably do the same thing if I were this cat’s human. Oh, wait. I think I’d make a dozen more pillows with its face on it. It’s hilarious!

10. Fancy
Not all cats can look good in a sweater like that. This cat certainly knows fashion.

11. Living the good life
We often wonder what cats do whenever there’s no one home. I guess this is the answer.

12. Meeting the new family member
These cats look quite unsure about that tiny creature. It must have been their first time to hear a tiny human cry.

13. Help!
Even this tiny cat knew the danger of facing a huge bear alone. I hope his human opened the windows first before taking the camera and taking a shot. The cat seemed genuinely scared.

14. Just being good cats
These kittens are well-behaved. They are patiently waiting for their human to finish his movie before asking for attention. With that look, I bet he’ll have to clear his schedule for them.

15. The pact
It’ll be hard to separate these two. They’ve made a pact right at that moment their foreheads met.

16. Anyone knows Kung Fu?
This cat looks like he was taken straight from an animated film. He’s a good fit for a Kung Fu master role.

17. No working at home
This cat wasn’t receiving enough attention from his human. As a solution, he did this. I guess his tactic worked!

18. A gift
When a cat gives you something, it’s a sign that he adores you. Considering that, this woman is probably extra special for this cat. He didn’t just bring her a piece of chicken- it was a slightly warm chicken wing.

19. The new officemate
This office allows its employees to take their pets. So, to make her cat feel like he belongs there, this woman bought him a couple of ties he can wear to work.

20. That lamp
Something must be really interesting with that lamp. Otherwise, it wouldn’t get the attention of those 5 cats, 2 men, and a stuffed pig.

21. Curious kittens
If this is the security team that has to go through my things, I’d happily let them check my bag. They look like they really know what they are doing.

22. So tiny!
This kitten is so tiny that it can fit inside its human’s hoodie. He looks so spoiled and he deserves the treatment.

23. Sleeping in a bowl
If you have a cat, it’s probably a good idea to buy a bowl-shaped scratching post bed like this one. It lets you see how weird cats sleep.

24. Just admiring the human
This cat is so in love with his human- no doubt about that. Just look at the way he’s staring at her face.

25. The vampire cat
Contrary to what most people think, not all vampires are afraid of the sunlight. Some of them can very well tolerate the light. Just take this vampire cat as an example. He was able to claim another victim in broad daylight.

26. The yarn ball cat house
You must admire the dedication of this human. She was able to make a yarn ball cat house by herself. The only problem? It didn’t last long. The cat ruined almost immediately.

27. Meet the cat
His name is Pepper. With his color and fur, I must say that his human picked the right name.

28. A cat or a bunny?
I had to look twice just to make sure that it’s a cat. Those paws and ears certainly look deceiving.

29. Planning something evil
Based on the way that cat is looking at the fishes, I think he’s up to no good. He looks like he’s planning his attack.

30. Going bananas
I didn’t know cats can get obsessed with bananas. This photo is certainly an eye-opener.

31. Doing yoga poses together
Mom thinks these two have a weird relationship and I can’t blame her. Who would have thought that babies and cats can be excellent yoga partners?

32. Like a human
This cat doesn’t just think he’s human. He’s even behaving that way. Just look at how well he’s standing!

33. A cat with a pouch
This cat has a funny way of sitting. He looks like a kangaroo with a pouch on his belly.

34. Yuck!
This cat has no filter when it comes to his reactions. If he’s not impressed, he’ll show it.

35. Pretending to be cereal
If you own a cat, be careful with the containers in your kitchen. If you don’t look closely, you might end up pouring your cat into a bowl instead of your cereal.

36. A loyal cat
This cat followed his human to work. He totally deserves a burger for his loyalty.

37. The cat in the box
This cat doesn’t realize how big he is. That box is almost twice as small as his size!

38. Unusual pack
Who says mice, cats, and dogs don’t get along well? This trio proves a lot of people wrong.

39. When it’s bath time
For a cat, this one surely looks happy in the water. I’ve never seen a cat smile like that during a bath.

40. Someone’s hungry
I totally understand this cat’s reaction. I’d probably feel the same way if my meal was late.

41. The security guards
There must be something in their yard. These guards are on full alert. No one will be able to get inside that house- that’s for sure.

42. The evil face
This cat isn’t plotting anything bad. It’s just the way his face looks right before he sneezes.

43. Not the most clever cat
This cat couldn’t get through that space in the window so he felt stuck.

44. Just taking a swing
Even cats like spending time in the park. However, it’s not every day that you see a cat enjoy the swing at the park.

45. A selfie
Apparently, cats can also take selfies. And based on this photo, they are good in finding their “angle”, too.

46. Spaced out
This cat isn’t sick or anything. This was just his reaction after getting his teeth cleaned.

47. A ray of sunshine
I don’t know which is funnier: the cat acting as the sun or the Teletubbies looking at the cat. Kids will surely find this scene entertaining.

48. The “mlem”
After years of trying to get the perfect “mlem” photo, this human finally succeeded. It was completely spot on.

49. No!
I’d probably react the same way if I’m forced to take a selfie while being held that way. It’s pretty embarrassing.

50. That mustache
This cat is bound to impress the ladies with that mustache. Just put on a bowtie and he’s ready to win them all.

51. Too cute for a cat
This cat is overloading with cuteness. Her headband perfectly matches her personality. She must be a ray of sunshine at home.

52. Read the warning before opening
I didn’t know cats come in boxes. It must be a rare issue. You see, it even comes with a warning!

53. Hello!
This is the kind of cat that will make you rethink each decision you make. That face seems like it’s questioning your conscience.

54. Terrible towel
This is probably the least effective towel you can buy. It won’t dry wet surfaces and it might even leave cat hair all over your body.

55. Got any treats?
If this is the cat you go home to every day, you’d probably feel eager to leave work early. Just make sure that you have treats. The cat deserves them for waiting for you the entire day.

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