We’re familiar with the adorable photos and videos of stray cats making human friends in exchange for some food and TLC. But imagine your delight if a wild fox came knocking!
Foxes are known for being clever and cunning, but they do not get enough credit for being cute!
In fact, in the UK… foxes are considered pests!
How could you call one of these red beauties a pest?!
But Steve Downer saw something more than just a “pest” when this little fox started visiting his yard. So he decided to go outside and say hello.
And what better way to welcome a guest than with food?
He set up a GoPro Hero 5 in his yard in Birmingham, expecting the little vixen to come around in search of some snacks.
And surely enough, she showed!

She sat looking expectant, but was jumpy as soon as Steve opened the door to his yard.
Also, I would like to talk about Steve’s yard for a moment: so lush, so neat! Just look at those colors! And that pig on the bottom left? I give it all a 10. Top marks.

For a moment it looks like the little vixen is going to bolt and escape the yard. Don’t go!
But she just steps back far enough to keep some distance from the human.

But just the idea of that delicious ‘human’ food brings her closer again quickly.
She’s a curious little thing, and clearly pretty hungry!
She waits patiently at the door for Steve to come out.

There is no harm in feeding your friendly fox visitors, as long as its done responsibly.
One of the ways to do this is to feed them snacks in keeping with their own natural diets.
It’s unclear exactly what ol’ Steve is feeding to this fox, but it looks like simply wet dog food. That’s been given the okay by The Wildlife Trusts UK.
He sits down next to her with a bowl of food.

She eats it up quickly and is clearly very grateful! But she keeps her eyes on Steve periodically during the meal, and shiftily around the garden.
It seems too good to be true – what, I can just show up and get free food from this lovely man? What’s the catch? – the fox (probably)

But then when nothing happens she and Steve share a moment.
He’s been sitting and waiting so patiently while this little one eats, and it seems she wants to say thank you.

He extends his hand gently. The way you would when meeting a new kitten or puppy to show them you mean no harm.
The fox is British! She would never be so rude as to eat and run, so she takes a risk and sniffs his friendly hand.

She nips at his hand a little bit, playfully.
And it turns out that Steve had to make that very clear in the description section for the video.

With six and a half million views, he got a lot of comments from concerned viewers.
“No, she didn’t bite me and we don’t have rabies in the UK.” – Steve
So if you were concerned, fear not! He’s totally fine.
She’s come back to visit him since, and who knows! Maybe, slowly, they’ll build trust and become the best of friends.
Maybe one day he’ll post a video of the little red vixen in his house on the couch, or going for a ride in the car.
Watch the wholesome video of Steve feeding his fox friend by clicking below.
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