In a little over a year, a hilarious and relatable video of a French bulldog named Cashew has been viewed over 15 million times.
Why is it relatable? Well, Cashew has been put on a diet and he is HANGRY.

We’ve been there.
The video begins with Cashew standing over his empty food bowl. In the background, we can hear his mom telling him that breakfast is over.

“You’ve had enough. Your breakfast is gone. Move on,” she says.
Cashew is NOT happy.
And he will not move on. He wants more. After all, dogs don’t understand diets, they understand food.

The growling commences.
But his protest is all for naught.
He stands there like a hungry, angry little statue, making his little noises in the hopes that a second serving will magically appear. But it does not.

Cashew’s mom thinks he’s a little chubby, so like a responsible dog owner, she’s decided to put him on a diet for his own good.
She reminds him he’ll be getting more food at dinnertime and he barks with disapproval.
He doesn’t know what she’s saying, but he knows it’s not the right answer to his pleas.

Of course, dogs don’t understand the word “diet,” but you’d think Cashew did by the way he responds when his mom says it.
He sounds like a little demon!
“Can’t deny that the little guy had some strong arguments,” joked one commenter.
Then comes the howling. But no matter how much of a fight he puts up, he’s out of luck.
“I’m not an expert but I think your dog just cussed you out,” said another astute viewer.

“Cashew, you’re on a diet because you’re a little chubby, ok?” says mom once the demonic howling dies down.
Cashew cannot even. He’s insulted.

“I just couldn’t stop laughing when he stopped after she said chubby. The doggo was like ‘Excuse me human, what did you say?'” said a commenter.
Mom doesn’t relent on the food issue, but she does ask if the perturbed pup would like a snack.
His ears perk up until she utters the words “ice cube.” Who the heck wants an ice cube?!
Cashew is apoplectic.

We assume the video ends here because Cashew summoned that demons he was channeling and destroyed the world. At least, that’s what we would like to think.
Alas, a YouTube video from November 2019 would suggest otherwise.
In that one, he is denied more Cheerios, his favorite snack. The look of disbelief would be heartbreaking if it weren’t so darn funny.

But we all know what happens when you cut calories – you lose weight!
And that’s precisely what happened with Cashew.
Good job, mom!
Between August and November of 2019, he lost 2 pounds and was no longer considered overweight!
It’s no easy task to get a dog to stop begging for food, especially after they’ve been allowed to overindulge and have gained weight as a result.
They just don’t understand the mechanics of the whole weight loss thing, so it feels like they’re being deprived. Heck, we feel the same way!
Of course, there are lots of reasons both humans and dogs end up gaining weight without realizing it at the time. And while it’s always hard to conquer the excess pounds, it can sometimes be for the best.
Be sure to scroll down below to see Cashew’s hilarious protest to being put on a diet.
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