Foal cry, horse mom come to rescue
The most dreaded phrase when it comes to baby animals “Here comes mom”.
Kenny Fernandez

Newborn horses are so fragile and wobbly.

Those long legs make up most of their personality, and it’s amazing to see how quickly they gain confidence on those legs.

They prance around, looking every part of the word cute.

And if you’ve ever been around a growing foal you will know how protective its mother can be.

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YouTube Screengrab

Take a trip down to the farm and see what happens when a foal cries for her mother.

The man recording this has a wonderful collection of YouTube videos showing what he does for a living. He cares for an 18th Century estate that is complete with all the barnyard animals you can imagine running around a down-home farm.

He’s got videos of hatchling chickens, newborn cows, bulls, and a few dogs and cats as well.

He recorded this moment when a foal came out of the stables to say hi to his family.

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YouTube Screengrab

His wife and daughters are totally loving the new addition to their stable.

They said the little horse came out to see who they were. Curiosity created a wonderful moment, bringing this lanky foal out to meet the mom and her daughter.

That’s the kind of education kids today need. Hands on and direct.

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YouTube Screengrab

Learning by doing.

Books and videos certainly help, and with the internet, education is a click away. But nothing beats a real one on one, hands on experience.

The best way to learn is to get down and dirty.

Aristotle wrote, “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”


Not even two weeks old!

Mom says the foal is eleven days old as dad walked up as slowly as he could so as not to scare the foal.

Yet as soon as he gets close the little one lets out a cry for her mommy. And here she comes!

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YouTube Screengrab

Mommy arrived running.

The family makes sure to give the mom lots of space, knowing she’s barreling in with protection on her mind.

No one wants to get in between a mother and her newborn!

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YouTube Screengrab

Never fear, mom is here!

The little horse’s mom runs up and Dad assures her that everything is alright. Mom hustles her little foal into the stable and the moment passes.

The family visit to the stables will be memorable. Let’s hope these girls grow up to raise animals on a farm, and maybe become veterinarians, or even scientists.

The possibilities are endless when you offer your kids hands-on education.

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YouTube Screengrab

YouTubers had themselves some fun with the conversations between mommy horse and baby foal.

“Mom they were touching me!”


“Mom: THERE you are! If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times – No playing in the barn by yourself! You wait ’til I tell your father.”

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YouTube Screenshot

Check out this adorable newborn cry for mom in the video below!

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