Fed up mama dog lays down the hammer when puppy siblings refuse to stop fighting
All moms can relate.
Sasha Alonzo

It’s a common sight in many households: kids bickering with their siblings, with parents stepping in to restore peace.

But have you ever wondered if this dynamic exists in the animal kingdom?

Interestingly, animals have their own ways of disciplining their young, and it’s not too dissimilar to human parenting techniques.

For example, wolves are known to snap at their cubs to correct behaviors like selfishness or greed, especially when it comes to food.

Lucy & Milo - YouTube
Lucy & Milo - YouTube

This disciplinary action isn’t exclusive to the wild; it extends to our domesticated furry friends as well.

Consider the case of two rambunctious puppies, whose non-stop wrestling only ceases when their mother decides enough is enough.

This scenario is probably all too familiar to anyone who has had the pleasure of raising multiple pets.

Lucy & Milo - YouTube
Lucy & Milo - YouTube

Puppies, by nature, are playful and enjoy biting and chasing each other as part of their social development.

This kind of interaction is crucial for them to learn the boundaries of play within the pack.

However, there are times when their playful antics escalate to a point where they might unintentionally harm each other. In such cases, a mother dog’s intervention becomes necessary.

Lucy & Milo - YouTube
Lucy & Milo - YouTube

The story of Lucy and Milo, two adorable Labrador puppies, perfectly illustrates this.

Captured on video by their human ‘parents’, these pups engage in a playful tussle on a cozy blanket.

While their actions are endearing, one can’t help but wonder if their playful fight might turn serious.

Are they just having fun, or is there a risk of them hurting each other?

Lucy & Milo - YouTube
Lucy & Milo - YouTube

In the video, one of the puppies seems to be the instigator, continuously bothering its sibling who appears to have lost interest in playing.

Their mother, observing their behavior, grows increasingly frustrated with their roughhousing.

Eventually, she decides it’s time to step in and teach them a lesson in manners.

Lucy & Milo - YouTube
Lucy & Milo - YouTube

The mother dog’s approach to discipline is both gentle and firm.

Initially, she tries to stop the more aggressive pup by lightly nibbling at its behind.

However, this only seems to make the puppy more feisty and vocal.

When the pup starts barking back at her, it quickly becomes clear that he’s underestimated his mother’s authority.

Lucy & Milo - YouTube
Lucy & Milo - YouTube

The mother’s response to her puppy’s backtalk could be humorously interpreted as, “Oh, you are talking back to me now?”

Her stern bark is a clear reprimand, and it has an immediate effect.

The two puppies, realizing they’ve crossed a line, sit quietly, their heads bowed in submission.

Even a slight attempt by one of them to restart the mischief is swiftly shut down by a single, authoritative bark from their mother.

Lucy & Milo - YouTube
Lucy & Milo - YouTube

The mother dog’s glance towards her human owner in the aftermath is particularly telling.

It’s as if she’s expressing a mix of embarrassment and a plea for understanding: “I’m sorry you had to see this, but I needed to handle it.”

This moment is a perfect reflection of the universal experiences of parenting, striking a chord with viewers across the globe.

The YouTube video capturing this family drama has amassed an impressive 13.3 million views over two years, sparking a wave of comments and discussions about the nature of maternal discipline.

Lucy & Milo - YouTube
Lucy & Milo - YouTube

The comments on the video range from empathetic to humorous.

One viewer remarked, “Good to know that moms yelling at their kids is universal,” highlighting the shared experiences across species. Another comment humorously suggested, “She called the puppies by their full names,” a common human practice when a child is in trouble.

This clip of Milo and Lucy being disciplined by their mother resonates with so many because it mirrors a familiar scene, whether you’re currently on the receiving end of such parenting or you’re the one implementing these methods with your children.

The universality of this experience, captured so candidly in the video, makes it a must-watch.

Don’t miss out on this relatable and heartwarming moment – check out the full clip at the link provided below.

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