Farmer and wife crack open ‘super egg’ and discover more than a yolk inside
I've never seen this before. What a cool find!
Jake Manning

In the heart of Texas, a farmer with years of experience in poultry farming stumbled upon an extraordinary find in his coop.

This discovery was beyond the realm of his usual farming routine.

Among the eggs he collected, one stood out for its unusual size.

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YouTube - ashmorerv

It was a “super chicken egg!”

This particular chicken in his flock had a habit of laying eggs that were three times larger than the average egg, a phenomenon that the farmer and his wife found astonishing.

While it’s commonly known that home-raised chickens produce superior eggs compared to store-bought ones, having larger eggs is an added bonus.

Normally, cracking open these large eggs revealed nothing more than a typical yolk, but this time, the couple was in for a startling surprise.

Unsplash - Jakub Kapusnak
Unsplash - Jakub Kapusnak

The surprise was none other than another egg nestled inside the large one, an average-sized egg hidden within.

This rare occurrence, which could be humorously termed “eggception,” was something the farmer had never encountered in his years of egg collection.

Despite the chicken’s history of laying oversized eggs, there had been no signs of discomfort or pain in the bird.

Unsplash - Thomas Iversen
Unsplash - Thomas Iversen

The farmer’s curiosity peaked when he opened one of these large eggs.

After the chicken produced a couple of them in a single week – they decided to film their findings.

He humorously remarked in a video, “What’s inside? A double egger. Ya, who’s got the best chickens? No double yolks, that is for wimps. We have double eggers.”

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YouTube - ashmorerv

It’s far from your typical egg.

The phenomenon of an egg within an egg, known as counter-peristalsis contraction, begins when a chicken releases an oocyte that eventually becomes the yolk.

A double egg occurs if the chicken releases another oocyte just before the first one is fully developed.

This is a rare event, making the farmer’s discovery quite special.

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YouTube - ashmorerv

Upon cracking both eggs into a bowl, the farmer and his wife observed a large yolk in each.

A similar case was documented by Linda Alvarado in Britain, although with a different twist.

In her case, the main egg was of regular size, but it contained a very tiny second egg with a soft, clear, and not fully formed shell.

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YouTube - ashmorerv

This variation is explained by the release of an out-of-order oocyte in the first egg, which was tiny because the hen’s ovary released it prematurely.

Typically, hens ovulate daily in size order, releasing the largest, most developed oocyte first while preparing smaller ones for later release.

Occasionally, a small, underdeveloped oocyte jumps ahead in the queue.

Unsplash - Tom Ungerer
Unsplash - Tom Ungerer

The Texas farmer’s unique egg-cracking experience garnered immense interest online.

In fact, his video has amassed over twelve million views!

Viewers expressed their amazement with comments like, “I thought double egg yolks were impressive, but this is way more impressive,” and “That’s peculiar, but it’s so egg-citing to see.”

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YouTube - ashmorerv

Watch the fascinating video below to see the couple crack open the “super egg!”

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