Farm animals team up to save chicken from hawk attack and it’s like a scene out of a movie
They went full-on Disney mode.
Elijah Chan

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

We hear that line over and over but we never thought it could be applied to animals as well. We’ve seen movies about animal friendships but how many were actually true?

Pexels - Pixabay
Pexels - Pixabay

On a farm in the Netherlands, a home security camera bears evidence of this relationship. It didn’t take much for the video to become viral because let’s be honest, animal friendships are adorable and amazing, especially when you see them in action.

Jaap Beets, a farmer in Gelderland in the Netherlands was tending to other things when heard a commotion from one of the fenced enclosures.

In the video, an opportunistic raptor swooped down on a chicken sitting out in the open.

The hawk would’ve succeeded in flying off with its prey but it forgot that it just invaded a community of animals.

Pexels - Brett Jordan
Pexels - Brett Jordan

The chicken impressively dodged the dive-bomb attack at first but the quick hawk cornered her against the fence.

YouTube Screenshot - Dogtooth Media
YouTube Screenshot - Dogtooth Media

The chicken bravely fought off the hawk with her feather flying everywhere. Then, out of nowhere, a rooster came barreling into the ruckus.

You can see the rooster collar bloom into fight mode as the hawk tried to ward him off.

It was a sobering moment for the hawk when the prey turned to face him head-on. Then, before the hawk could fight any further, another friend rolled in to join the melee.

YouTube Screenshot - Dogtooth Media
YouTube Screenshot - Dogtooth Media

We could safely assume that the rooster’s tribal instincts urged him to fight for the hen but another fighter broke that assumption.

Bruin, Beets’ goat, charged in horns first toward the hawk.

Full brawn and muscle, Bruin effectively tipped the fight into the farm’s favor. The hawk desperately held its ground but with the rooster behind it and the goat practically shrugging off the attacks, it decided to call off the hunt.

YouTube Screenshot - Dogtooth Media
YouTube Screenshot - Dogtooth Media

The hawk flew away empty-handed, or shall we say, empty-taloned. And the moment it cleared off from the farm, you can see other farm animals taking shelter in the nearby bush sprint back to the safety of the shed.

The whole scene looked like a nature documentary.

The whole fight, which lasted about 17 seconds, left the first chicken with minor injuries.

YouTube Screenshot - Dogtooth Media
YouTube Screenshot - Dogtooth Media

Meanwhile, the chicken and the goat are enjoying their victory lap of fame. People all over the internet were amazed at the teamwork, even quipping that it was straight out of a movie.

“The goat was the muscle. But that other chicken is the ride-or-die friend we all want,” said one of the 4 million people who have seen the video on YouTube.

YouTube Screenshot - Dogtooth Media
YouTube Screenshot - Dogtooth Media

“As someone who was chased by a goat as a 10-year-old, the hawk and I could swap stories over a couple of beers about the terror we experienced.” Said another comment.

This wasn’t the first time the farm was attacked.

Beets said that it was actually the third attempt that year. Their usual preys are buzzards and hawks and their defending team is made up of goats, chickens, and turkeys. He also said that it was a relationship that he tries to foster.

YouTube Screenshot - Dogtooth Media
YouTube Screenshot - Dogtooth Media

“I grew up with a deep respect for nature and have worked in environmental jobs and in nature conservation all my life,” Beets said to SWNS. “We try to facilitate nature as much as possible.”

Watch how a rooster and a goat went full-on Disney movie mode to fight off a hawk.

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