It’s always incredible to see people communicate with animals. Sometimes, people seem to have a bond with animals that transcends words.
One of those people who seems to intrinsically understand animals is Cesar Milan, the dog whisperer.

Time and understanding are the foundation of any human-animal relationship.
While Cesar Milan may look like he has superpowers, really all he has is a lot of time spent understanding and developing relationships with dogs! But for one man, dogs just wouldn’t do.
He needed something a bit… bigger.
In the Elephant Nature Park, one man has a special relationship with elephants.

The Elephant Nature Park is a rehabilitation and rescue park located in Northern Thailand.
The park is known all across the world for the wonderful work they do rescuing elephants and helping them to recover. All of their volunteers and workers have a genuine passion and dedication to these gray giants.
You may have even seen Lek at this park before!

Lek founded the park and is known for her ability to sing elephants to sleep.
Slapping them with a rag, she hums and sings until she sees her elephant friends’ eyes close. In a recent video, it seems that Lek isn’t the only one with elephant superpowers!
While this guy doesn’t sing, he calls to his elephant friends.

Our first look at the man with elephant superpowers shows him standing in a field and shouting to the creatures off-screen. He is super casual in his shorts and t-shirt.
You would never look at him and think he was an elephant man!
As soon as he calls, we hear a trumpeting roar come from the distance.

While this trumpeting may strike fear into most, this man sees it as a good thing!
He strides out into the middle of the field and waits until he sees his friends. When he shouted, he said “Kham-Lha,” the name of one of the elephants and boy, do they come running!
Soon, we hear more trumpeting that seems to be getting closer – until a herd of the creatures runs right up to the man!

These elephants must have been moving fast!
When they heard their friend call to them, they bolted there as quickly as they could go. With the relatively small man standing in the way of the sprinting herd, it looks like he is going to get trampled!
Thankfully, the elephants know their own speed and pulled to a halt, surrounding the man.

As they stopped, they surrounded the man, ears flapping.
The man turns and begins to walk with them like they are old friends. Almost like something out of a movie, he strides off in the middle of a herd of elephants many times his size.
All it takes is time and care.

Elephants are intelligent and surprisingly gentle for how big they are. It’s wonderful to see the bond this man has with the elephants — they clearly trust him so much.
Check out the video for yourself below!
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