Dog was adopted for protection but ends up being a cuddly comedian
Oh yeah...real "tough." 😂
Luis Gaskell

Part of the fun of having a pet is the entertainment they bring you. Watching them get themselves into trouble or do something ridiculous is always worth a fit of laughter.

Conveniently enough, there’s plenty of videos out there showcasing pets doing the dumbest things. This one here has quite a few for us, so let’s take a look at each one, shall we?

First is this seemingly innocuous clip of a golden retriever and a doggy door.

You can already tell from how I used the words “seemingly innocuous” that this video isn’t going the way you think. You see that doggy door? Yeah, this retriever is sure going to pass through it, even if not super gracefully.

So into the doggy door it goes aaaand there goes the entire door with it. Well, at least it’s outside now!

YouTube Screenshot - MAI PM
YouTube Screenshot - MAI PM

Another dog on the list has some less property-damaging shenanigans to share with us.

It’s a pitbull chilling on the balcony, seemingly waiting for its groom.

Whether it realizes it or not, this pooch looks like the next bride-to-be. That curtain has draped over its head like a bride’s veil.

YouTube Screenshot - MAI PM
YouTube Screenshot - MAI PM

I wonder who the lucky man is.

For something a lot funnier, I’d like to direct your attention to Kevin the French bulldog.

See, Kevin likes his little pool a lot. He especially dislikes when people put stuff in it.

So first, his mom put one branch in there. He didn’t like that. When she put a second branch in there, he didn’t like it either.

YouTube Screenshot - MAI PM
YouTube Screenshot - MAI PM

He wasn’t gonna wait for more branches to show up, so he just grabbed the entire pool and ran around in circles with it. Nice job, mom.

Moving on, we’ve got a dog that absolutely can’t be trusted with technology.

His mom pulls up a video about ducks for him to watch on her laptop, and he promptly smashes some keys and closes the browser.

Mom even took the time to close the ads for him! Come on.

YouTube Screenshot - MAI PM
YouTube Screenshot - MAI PM

I hope you’re feeding your dogs enough too, cause this dog seems a bit hungry. So hungry, in fact, that he’s trying to eat the oncoming traffic.

I don’t know how that’s supposed to work but I give him credit for trying.

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YouTube Screenshot - MAI PM

Maybe he needs a bone to keep him busy, like this next dog who’s ecstatic about having a bone.

Apparently, they gave him this bone last night. He’s just overjoyed to still have it when he woke up. How pure is that?

YouTube Screenshot - MAI PM
YouTube Screenshot - MAI PM

Now check out this dog that has the crowd going crazy.

He’s got zero clue why they’re cheering him on. He’s just happy to be here, I think?

With the way they’re cheering, you’d think it was Taylor Swift on the stage.

YouTube Screenshot - MAI PM
YouTube Screenshot - MAI PM

Lastly, let’s end this list with a dog playing jealous.

This family picked up a golden retriever puppy, and their grown-up golden retriever isn’t too thrilled about not being an only child anymore.

That means he’s not going to be the center of attention anymore. Poor Copper!

YouTube Screenshot - MAI PM
YouTube Screenshot - MAI PM

There’s a lot more than just these 8, so watch the full video below and give this article a share too!

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