Harriet the donkey sings like an opera singer & always performs for man who gives her treats
She has quite an impressive voice.
Jake Manning

On a casual stroll near his home in Ireland, Martin Stanton stumbled upon a sight that would soon become a regular part of his life.

As he ambled past a farm, a curious donkey by the fence caught his attention.

Drawn to the creature, Stanton offered a treat, marking the beginning of a delightful friendship.

Facebook - Ireland from the Roadside
Facebook - Ireland from the Roadside

Over the subsequent year, Stanton’s visits to the farm became frequent.

Every time he dropped by, he ensured he had a treat in tow for his new friend.

While the donkey had a penchant for carrots and bread, nothing delighted her more than ginger nut biscuits.

Facebook - Ireland from the Roadside
Facebook - Ireland from the Roadside

As the days went by, Stanton’s circle of farm friends expanded.

He got acquainted with the donkey’s owner and learned more about his four-legged friend.

Her name was Harriet, a name that perfectly suited her sweet nature.

Harriet was always eager to meet new faces, especially if they came bearing treats.

“Oh, she’s so spoilt,” Stanton shared with The Dodo, “I’ve been visiting her for over a year now and I always bring her treats!”

Facebook - Ireland from the Roadside
Facebook - Ireland from the Roadside

But Harriet wasn’t the only one who enjoyed Stanton’s company.

He soon met Declan, Harriet’s significant other, and their adorable offspring, Bobbi.

The trio, with their unique bond, cherished the moments they spent with Stanton.

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Facebook - Ireland from the Roadside

One day in October, during one of his usual visits, Stanton witnessed something extraordinary.

After munching on her treat, Harriet opened her mouth, and instead of the expected bray, she produced a sound that left Stanton in awe.

Facebook - Ireland from the Roadside
Facebook - Ireland from the Roadside

Harriet, in her unique style, began to sing. But this wasn’t just any singing; her voice soared in high pitches, reminiscent of a seasoned opera singer.

It was a performance that lasted only a few seconds, but it was enough to leave an indelible mark on Stanton’s memory.

Once her brief recital was over, Harriet, ever the performer, took a gracious bow.

Stanton, still reeling from the surprise, remarked, “That was the first time I’ve heard her sing.

I couldn’t stop laughing. She’s totally adorable. So friendly and gentle.”

Recognizing the uniqueness of what he had just witnessed, Stanton captured Harriet’s performance on video and shared it with the Facebook group ‘Ireland from the Roadside.’

The group, dedicated to showcasing the wonders of Ireland, found Harriet’s singing to be a truly incredible addition.

The video quickly gained traction, amassing thousands of shares and eliciting numerous amusing comments about Harriet’s unexpected talent.

Facebook - Ireland from the Roadside
Facebook - Ireland from the Roadside

As for Harriet’s future, Stanton hints that she might soon be expecting again.

And with her newfound talent, one can only imagine the melodious lullabies she’ll sing to her next baby.

Harriet, the donkey with the voice of an opera singer, continues to surprise and delight all who meet her.

Watch this hilariously talented donkey in the video below!

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