Prince is a sweet Labradoodle who loves his family. Prince and his parents, Sara and Zach Lebowhl, live in New York City, where they go on lots of adventures together.

In 2017, Sara became pregnant with her first child. Prince barely left Sara’s side during her pregnancy—he seemed to understand that his family was about to get bigger.

Sara gave birth to a little girl she named Halle. When she and Zach got home from the hospital, they introduced Halle to Prince. They were a little anxious at first—would Prince accept Halle?
Thankfully, they had nothing to worry about. Prince loved Halle from the moment he met her!
“When she first came home, he went right up to her and sniffed her,” Sara told The Dodo. “He knew she was little and fragile. But he always stayed close and kept a very close eye on her. He was truly a nanny dog from the first day.”

Over the past two years, Halle and Prince have grown closer and closer. The toddler loves the dog, and he loves her right back.
Halle is now almost two years old, and she has begun sleeping in her own room. Since she’s still little, though, she often wakes up in the middle of the night. Prince usually accompanies his parents into Halle’s room when they go to check on her.

One day, Sara came up with a great idea: she decided to see if Prince could put Halle back to sleep himself.
Since Prince typically sleeps in Sara and Zach’s room, Sara started leaving both her door and Halle’s door open. When Halle begins crying, Prince will walk into her room and calm her down.
“Surprisingly it has worked out well,” Sara said. “We crack the door open for him when she gets up, and he walks in to greet her. He has a little routine he does, including rolling around on the ground. Then he will look at her and lay down. The amazing thing is that this calms her, and she goes back to sleep.”

The Nest camera in Halle’s room captured Prince and Halle’s night-time routine. Sara was amazed by how quickly Prince was able to calm Halle down.
“Prince has been an unexpected savior, allowing us a bit more precious minutes to hours of sleep. When he walks in the room, we know she is in good paws and we can all get some more rest,” Sara said.

Sara shared a video of Prince’s nannying skills on YouTube and it quickly went viral, receiving over 400,000 views. Everyone loved seeing Prince and Halle’s bond.
Prince is also a great big brother during the daytime! He loves playing with Halle, and he’ll often bring her toys when she’s upset. Sara is excited to see the ways the pair continue to bond as Halle gets older.

Prince is a sweet dog with a big heart and some amazing nannying skills. If you’d like to see Prince’s skills in action, check out the video below.
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