Mischievous dogs make headlines after dialing 911 over a dozen times
These dogs decide to take 'call if you need anything' a little too seriously! 🐾📞
Luis Gaskell

911 responders really have their work cut out for them. Handling that many calls a day can take its toll, and some calls can be a little disturbing.

It’s a tough job, but every now and then, they might get a call that might just make their day.

These 911 responders were in for a surprise when they received a call with a curious voice at the end.

YouTube Screenshot - Fox 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul
YouTube Screenshot - Fox 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul

An operator received the call and asked what the address of the emergency was.

The answer they got was a simple “WOOF”.

YouTube Screenshot - Fox 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul
YouTube Screenshot - Fox 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul

Either that was background noise or someone pranking her.

But it could be important. Operators have to respond to every call they get, potential prank call or not. Because even a single missed call from an actual emergency would be disastrous for someone on the other end.

Whoever placed the call was receiving help either way.

Officers Michelle Roberts and Emily Bares were dispatched to the address of the call.

YouTube Screenshot - Fox 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul
YouTube Screenshot - Fox 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul

Presumably, the phone’s location was turned on. I doubt whoever barked on the call was able to give them their address.

The scene was a simple suburban house in Lakeville, Minnesota – with two very excited dogs behind the door.

So the officers looked around for the presumed homeowner who may have made the call – intentionally or not. They found no one.

YouTube Screenshot - Fox 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul
YouTube Screenshot - Fox 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul

It was still worth sticking around to find the source of the call.

While all this was happening, the operators got 15 more of the same hang-up calls – from the same home.

Whoever was calling them was being really persistent. But things started to add up when the officers did more digging.

YouTube Screenshot - Fox 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul
YouTube Screenshot - Fox 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul

With the homeowner’s permission over the phone, they entered the home through the garage. Inside, they’d be able to search more thoroughly for this mystery hang-up caller.

But they found no other person in the home. Their search wasn’t fruitless, though.

“Went upstairs to his office to where the cell phone was, it was on his desk, it was on emergency call only, so in theory a dog could’ve called 911, and pushed the phone with its paw.” – said officer Roberts

YouTube Screenshot - Fox 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul
YouTube Screenshot - Fox 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul

The dogs were a Papillion and a hound named Remy and Bomber. They were pressing their paws on “emergency call” on the owner’s phone.

At least their owner knows that they can dial for help if there’s no one else home.

YouTube Screenshot - Fox 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul
YouTube Screenshot - Fox 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul

And it proved all too adorable and funny to the operators and the officers. Who woulda thunk that two dogs could basically prank call them 16 times in a row?

“Anytime we can laugh and talk about dogs calling 911, if that’s the biggest news of our day that’s a good day.”

The officers joke that the emergency the dogs dialed for was being bored and lonely. Fair enough, if you ask me!

Their owner was just as surprised as everyone else. “My dogs did what?!” they probably thought.

YouTube Screenshot - Fox 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul
YouTube Screenshot - Fox 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul

Lesson learned: don’t leave a phone with them next time. Maybe getting a dogsitter would be a better idea.

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