Dog brothers melts 1M hearts for their adorable first meeting with their baby sister
They showed their love in the sweetest way.
Elijah Chan

What does “love at first sight” look like?

When our parents get their first actual human baby, they tend to become nervous as to how their dogs would react.


Two golden retrievers showed that a dog owner shouldn’t be scared if they’ll get along with the baby. Actually, what you should be scared of is the fact that they can take over your space inside your baby’s little sweet heart.

Winston and Doug are dubbed by their fur parents as the “goodest boys.”

So their doubts on whether the two furballs would like the newborn Miller were quickly put to rest when they presented her to the dogs.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

Miller’s parents slowly placed her down to the dogs’ level and the two quickly jumped at the opportunity to investigate.

Winston and Doug were just too eager to meet the baby. Doug was so excited and welcoming that he even tried to offer Miller his favorite donut toy! How cute is that?

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

At one point, Miller’s dad complained that he needs to give Miller a bath again with the amount of kisses she got.

Since then, the dogs just love being near Miller like she was their own.

According to Miller’s parents, Winston and Doug loves being in the same room with the baby. At first, her mom said she was worried the dogs will take Miller’s toys and claim it as their own. Instead, Doug kept on giving her his own toys, no matter which.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

The dogs also allow Miller to come close. They allow her to touch their faces and discover that there are other creatures in the world besides humans. In exchange, the dogs are always generous with the kisses.

Miller and the dogs are so close that she did something her parents would be jealous of.

According to them, Miller’s first word isn’t “mom” or “dad.” Her first word is “dog,” pertaining to her first best friends in the entire world.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

Whenever they pass by, she’d call out to them. The dogs also learned to hang out under her chair when dinner time comes because even if Winston and Doug have already finished their meals, they can trust baby Miller to hook them up with other flavors.

Miller is always excited to see and interact with the dogs too!

She’d always reach out to them, trying to grab their coat. She also starts jumping around and clapping when she feels the dogs are near.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

“They always go to help me wake her up,” Miller’s mom said to The Dodo. “It’s just really sweet to watch them bond.”

Miller’s parents said they are so excited to watch them grow up together.

“It’s so sweet how you incorporated the dogs into her life and didn’t neglect them. What an absolutely sweet family you are!” said one comment.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

“The big dogs being so gentle around the baby, so typical of big dogs, they just have this protective and ‘parently’ nature. “ said another, “That baby is going to grow up compassionate, already

being so gentle and loving with animals.”

And seeing their dynamics, we wholeheartedly agree.

Watch how these dogs reacted when they saw the family’s baby for the first time.


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