Dog stows away on delivery truck after driver fails to give him his usual treat
He wanted to teach him a lesson!
Emma Shallcross

Dogs seem to have a tricky relationship with delivery drivers.

Most dogs hate them – and despite the mailman being a regular occurrence, they’ll still bark the house down to let us know when our mail is being delivered. The most common cause for dogs hating delivery drivers is due to territorial reasons – and in your dog’s mind, he probably believes that he is saving the household from a deadly attack. So in actual fact, the excessive barking could be considered Good Boy behavior.


But not all dogs feel this way about the mailmen. In fact, one dog looked forward to his UPS delivery driver every morning, for one special reason.

The dog-loving driver would throw treats out to the pooch every day when he passed – until one day, he forgot. This didn’t go unnoticed by the dog, who decided that he would get ultimate revenge – by hopping into the back of the delivery van unnoticed by the driver.

Luckily, after a tour of the neighborhood, the dog was returned home safe and sound, and we’re sure the driver gave him plenty of treats by way of apology.


The hilarious story of the van-riding dog first surfaced online when Reddit user dickfromaccounting shared a ‘dog shaming’ pic of his cunning pup.

The picture showed the man’s Labrador pooch looking pretty ashamed of himself, as he sat out in his front yard with a hand-written sign tied around his neck.

The sign read: “The UPS man forgot to throw me a cookie so I snuck into his truck and took a ride around the neighborhood. He had to deliver me back to my house.”


The post instantly went viral with 66.8k upvotes and thousands of comments, and many people decided to share stories of incidents where their own pets had encounters with the local delivery driver.


One user wrote, “My dog is also obsessed with the UPS man, the mail lady, and FedEx, ever since the mail lady saw him loose a few blocks away and gave him a ride back home in her mail truck. Suddenly his all his dreams were realised at once: riding in a car, stopping every few feet to look at things and meet new people, a car door that stayed open constantly, the wind in his hair…”

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There’s even a hitchhiking goat!

“I had a goat do this once,” another user wrote. “She had a passion for eating paper, boxes. Chewing labels off of cardboard boxes was a personal favorite of hers. Our regular UPS and FexEx guys knew about her, and the fact that she was free range, but one day, we had a sub driver. I was in a second-floor office, watched the Fed Ex guy hop out the front door, throw open the back, and while he brought in the package, the goat darted out from her pen and into the back of the truck. He came out, pulled the door down, and got in and drove off as I watched in horror. He got about 200 feet out our driveway before I saw him slam on the brakes and a goat come skittering out. I have no idea how many labels she managed to rip of during her tenure in the FedEx truck. I imagine it wasn’t pretty!”

This whole thread is super entertaining, so if you’ve got some time on your hands then definitely go and check it out! Who knew that being a UPS driver involved working with so many animals?

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