Dog hilariously caught off guard by statue that looks just like him
He apparently didn't like what he saw. ๐Ÿ˜‚
Melissa Leventhal

Dogs are known to be man’s best friend. Not only do they bless us with incomparable loyalty and friendship, but they are also great forms of entertainment.

Animal behavior can be such a silly thing that will bring quite a smile to your face.

This particular dog had his owner laughing when he saw a statue that looks just like him.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL
YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

He was ecstatic to see his human until he saw something else.

You can see this happy boy comes in wagging his tail thinking he was going to see his owner, but then something catches his eye. It’s something he absolutely can’t ignore. He’s got to make sure to check it out.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL
YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

It stops him dead in his tracks.

As soon as he gets closer to the unknown item, you see him stop quickly. This dog has never seen anything like this before and he sure is confused why he looks just like him.

You can hear the owner in the background already finding the interaction quite comical. You can hear her under the chuckles asking her furry friend, “What is it?”

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL
YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

Heading in for a sniff.

He gets closer to the statue that looks strikingly like himself and gives it a good whiff. As you can see this cute boy was very set off after that. He just can’t figure the statue out.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL
YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

He clearly wasn’t okay with this statue.

In huge confusion, he quickly backs away from this unknown entity. It’s hilarious! Such an innocuous thing, and he’s completely thrown off. He quickly backs away so far that he actually leaves the room.

He leaves the room, but just enough so he can poke his head in to make sure he sees what’s going on.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL
YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

There’s nothing to worry about.

His owner encourages him to come back in by encouraging her friend to “come say hi” to the new friend in the room. Although these words of encouragement didn’t make him budge.

The whole interaction is quite entertaining to the owner as she’s laughing even more now.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL
YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

His reaction is priceless.

Although his owner is trying her best to intervene, this pup still doesn’t like this statue. He actually begins barking from the hallway. This only makes his human laugh even harder as the video ends.

Pexels - Julissa Helmuth
Pexels - Julissa Helmuth

Was he just trying to make her laugh?

According to the American Kennel Club, golden retrievers are among some of the most playful breeds.

Researchers at the Laboratory Animal Refinement & Enrichment forum actually suggest that animals may display what we think as humor to get responses.

I wonder if he was just playing around with his human in order to elicit a response.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL
YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

Either way, it’s clear that this video is absolutely adorable and hilarious for viewers as it’s racked up to over one million views.

This video was posted by BVIRAL on YouTube, a group that concentrates on viral entertainment in the expression of short-form content. They provide tons of hilarious videos on their channel that always make us laugh.

Hopefully, this pup has gotten used to his new statue friend.

Watch the full video of this hilarious interaction below!

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