Dog who’s never known love stares at wall for hours until mom ‘shows’ him he’s finally safe
Poor Walt was so scared when he first arrived.
Patricia Lynn

In the heartwarming tale of Walt, a once terrified and withdrawn dog, we are reminded of the transformative power of patience and love.

Walt’s journey from a scared, isolated creature to a playful and loving member of his new family encapsulates the essence of hope and redemption.

When Kelly and her family adopted Walt, he was a dog who had lost all trust in humans, a poignant reminder of the neglect and hardship many rescue animals face.

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Walt’s initial days in his new home were marked by fear and uncertainty.

He would not make eye contact, a clear sign of his past traumas, and he had no understanding of what it meant to be part of a family.

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The simple act of entering the house was a challenge for him, suggesting he had spent most of his life outside, deprived of warmth and comfort.

“When we picked him up, he was just so afraid he wouldn’t even make eye contact with us in the car. Someone had failed him somewhere along the way,” Kelly told The Dodo.

The turning point for Walt came through the gentle and persistent efforts of his new family.

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Despite his reluctance to engage with his surroundings, they did not give up on him.

They introduced him to the concept of home, a place where he could feel safe and loved.

The breakthrough moment was subtle yet profound—Walt sitting on a bed for the first time, choosing warmth over the cold floor he was accustomed to.

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This significant yet simple choice marked the beginning of Walt’s transformation.

It was a sign that he was starting to trust his new environment and, more importantly, the people in it.

The once fearful dog who shied away from human touch began seeking affection, laying his head under Kelly’s hands as if to say, “I am ready to be loved.”

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Walt’s playful side began to emerge as he grew more comfortable in his home.

He engaged in games, running around joyously, a stark contrast to the dog who once stared blankly at walls.

This change was not just about Walt feeling safe; it was about him discovering joy, perhaps for the first time in his life.

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The interaction between Walt and the family’s other dog further illustrates his integration into the family.

Despite their size difference, they became inseparable companions, with Walt acting as a protective and warming presence for his smaller friend.

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This relationship underscored Walt’s ability to connect and bond, revealing a layer of his personality that had been suppressed by his previous life’s hardships.

The transformation of Walt shows the resilience of animals and the healing power of love and patience.

From a dog who knew nothing but fear, Walt became a symbol of trust and joy.

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His journey is a reflection of what many rescue animals go through and a reminder of the impact humans can have on their lives.

“It has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done in my entire life, to be able to take a dog out of a really bad situation and give them what they deserve.

They don’t deserve anything other than humans to love them,” Kelly said.

Check out Walt’s full story in the video below!

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