Our dogs do strange things, there’s no denying it. Whether it’s sprinting across the floor while dragging their dirty butts or enjoying a delicious meal of the grass, we can’t always comprehend the things that they do. Still, we love them all the same.

When should we begin to be worried that the “weird behavior” is more than that?

For one dog mom, watching her pup sit on the couch and stare outside each day was becoming a bit concerning! Almost like clockwork, the dog would get on the couch each day and stare in a trance-like state across their lawn into the distance.

As time went on, Mom began to understand what was happening with her furry friend.

While staring for hours outside without moving initially worried her, she soon discovered that her dog wasn’t acting weird – it was just being loyal! The story behind it puts all the pieces together in such a beautiful way.
This dog mom was more than just a dog mom, she was a human mom too!

Each morning she would see her son head out the front door and go to the bus stop near their home. In her mind, her son was just heading off to school and she knew that he would be back with her at the end of each day.
For the dog, every time he left it was a question mark that needed answering!

Their dog wasn’t just sitting staring for hours into the distance, this lab was waiting for the boy to get home! When the bus would drop him off at the stop, the trance-like stare would break and the dog would run to the door, knowing that its time of waiting was over.

What was initially thought to be a “weird” or “strange” behavior wasn’t that at all – it was just the loyalty and love of a dog!

There are few things more powerful than the love and loyalty of a dog. There is a reason they bring them into hospitals to help the patients recover! Somehow, the dog had an innate sense of time and knew exactly the right time to post up and being the wait for the boy.
Now knowing the reasoning behind the stares, Mom decided she was going to film the dog waiting, and finally seeing, his best friend.

The video is a heartwarming reminder that we don’t deserve the love of dogs. They really can do no wrong and it has to mean so much to the boy to know that he has a friend who spends his day waiting for him to arrive. He loves him that much! There are few friends who would (or even could) do the same.
Day after day, the two have such a wonderful reunion.

People love to see stories like this one! Currently, over 2 million people have seen the video. Is anyone actually surprised, though? It’s just too cute to NOT click on.
Check it out below!
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