They are often described as “sweet and affectionate“. The Newfoundland is huge pup of loving but were originally bred to be working dogs. The job? To help fishermen haul fish, others wood, and whatever their humans needed. These dogs are strong swimmers, are very responsive and make for wonderful companions.

Need proof?
Just watch this chocolate colored Newfoundland. This big chunk of loving has himself propped up on his hind legs just so he could reach for his human mom. She’s reclining, resting and lazing around but the huge dog had other ideas.
“Wanna’ lay down? Okay.”
Mom meant on the floor but her enormous pup rests his head on her chest instead. Not that she minded anyway.

Wait for it.
The big pup rests his head for a few seconds as mom affectionately strokes him but like all dogs, there’s never enough love to go around. Out of nowhere, the Newfoundland sneaks in a quick kiss on mom. What a sweet boy!
“Did you just want to sneak a kiss?”
Asks mom in between pinches and squeezes.

Newfie kisses!
As if to confirm his intentions, the fluffy giant leans in for another quick kiss. Now really, that has got to be one of the best kisses in the world. Males can go up to 150 pounds and stand 28 inches at the shoulder. Can you imagine being on the receiving end of that kiss?

They have no problems just laying around but giving them time to exercise is still advisable. Oh and keep a few towels or rags around because they like to drool. It’s stereotypical big dog quirks with the Newfie.

But look at that face!
In “Peter Pan”, there is a Newfie named Nana. Now while it’s animated and obviously exaggerated, it’s still pretty close to the fact that Newfoundlands make for great family dogs and babysitters. They love kids. Newfies are naturally gentle and friendly with smaller humans and will watch out for them when needed.

Canadian lover.
They really are from Newfoundland, Canada located by the eastern shores hence their strong ties with fishermen. Their size and strength allow them to help haul the fish then pull that cart of catch to the market. They’re also strong enough to rescue a man from drowning.

Newfies are intelligent, eager to please, will work hard for love, and will adapt easily to any situation. Now dogs are already heroic, but Newfies are known for jumping into waters rescuing both adults and children from drowning. They are the stuff of legend.

How about heroic kisses?
Newfies need a lot of space given their size. But it’s the space in the hearts of their humans that they crave for the most. This adorable big guy is perfectly content taking up what little space there is so long as he can snuggle up to his mom and sneak in a few kisses. The other dog is too lazy to bother but he’ll get his later.

Newly found lover!
Newfies are never ill-tempered or dull to be with. That huge body is full of sweetness and they will stay by your side hugging and cuddling for hours. And if you try to ignore them, they’ll do what this Newfie did. Climb all over you and slobber you with kisses. Worth it!

Get a kiss from this big hulking pup in the video below!
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