Anesthesia sometimes has a funny effect on dogs. There are YouTube videos of dogs that have become groggy and unable to get it together because they have been administered with anesthesia.
There is one dog in particular that has given YouTube viewers more than thirty seconds of howling because the anesthesia he has received is “doing a number” on him. The dog in the YouTube video is in a state of happiness, and it looks like he is singing to express his happiness.

The funny dog is Scott. His unusual behavior is a result of anesthesia. According to the description of the video on YouTube, a high dosage of anesthesia has been administered to him because of his large size.
Scott is a large dog indeed. His breed can reach up to six feet when standing and weighs a whopping 150 pounds. That high dosage of anesthesia has been necessary.
What is surprising is its comical side effect on the dog. It is amusing to find out that the anesthesia has turned the dog into a singer.

Since it was uploaded, the video has been viewed 298,000 times and has received 12,000 likes on the media-streaming platform.
In the video, the dog lets out howls that are long and melodious. He is inside a car all throughout the performance. His tune is amazing.

Scott is coolly riding it out in the video after having to undergo surgery.
He had an ear problem that needed to be treated. The adorable singing dog actually had an ear infection that developed into hematoma as a result of scratching and head shaking.
Ear hematomas develop after a blood vessel within the ear flap of a dog ruptures, according to When firm, swollen masses have formed inside the ear of a dog due to the ear problem, surgery becomes necessary.

The anesthesia given to Scott not only puts him at ease. It also brings out his expressive nature. It is mentioned in the description of the video that the dog becomes very vocal whenever he is enjoying himself or in the company of someone he finds interesting.
He must be enjoying the effect of the anesthesia because he continues to express himself in long howls in the video.

Scott is described in the video as a fun-loving dog:
“Scout is a big, independent dog that loves to romp and frolic through the forest…”
It is no wonder that Scott decides to sing his woes away after surgery while still feeling the effect of anesthesia in his body. The person who is filming him is amused by his performance and can’t help but giggle at his unusual behavior.

There are many funny comments about the video. One of them is from the YouTube user Thomas Parsons. According to the YouTube user, the dog’s performance is his way of thanking the humans who operated on him. The dog could have said these words:
“Thank you for getting me all fixed up human. I will now sing you the song of my people.”
Scott’s performance is worth the watch! Check out the video below.
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