Man sets tiny neglected dog free and she repays him with thousands of kisses
Matheus Laiola is an animal savior in Brazil.
D.G. Sciortino

Matheus Laiola is like a superhero to local animals in Brazil.

He’s an animal protection officer that investigates instances of animals abuse and violations of local animal endangerment laws.

Having to witness the abuse of such sweet animals day in and day out would be difficult for anyone.

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So, it’s a good thing that Laiola’s job isn’t a thankless job.

The animals he rescues are often very thankful to him.

One of these happy reactions recently went viral.

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Laiola had his eye on this white dog for a while to see if the dog was being mistreated.

And his suspicions ended up being founded.

“She lived in chains, in the cold, heat, rain and sun,” Laiola wrote on Facebook.

Laiola wasn’t about to stand around and watch this dog suffer any more abuse and decided to take matters into his own hands.

“We arrived at the place and there was no one there, [so] we broke the lock and rescued the dog.”

The dog couldn’t have been more grateful to Laiola for rescuing her.

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The white dog, who was chained to a wall, jumped up on Laiola uncontrollably when he got close and covered his face with thank you kisses.

The dog was immediately taken to Casa do Produtor for a vet checkup and to be placed for adoption.

After the video of Laiola’s rescue of the grateful dog when viral, many were interested in giving the dog a forever home.

“She’s already been adopted. She’s doing well.”

The dog’s owner ended up being identified and will be investigated for animal cruelty.

Laiola’s Instagram page is filled with similar rescues of him cutting through chains and breaking through gates to free abused animals.

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Thankfully the recently freed white dog wasn’t in as bad of a condition as many of the other animals on Laiola’s Instagram page.

In addition to saving your typical domesticated animals like dogs and cats, Laiola and his team also rescues exotic animals.

Laiola, who heads the Environmental Protection Police, and his crew have recently been rescuing exotic animals believed to be caught up in an animal trafficking network in Paraná which his team is working to dismantle.

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There were several operations taking place on a single day in an effort to thwart the animal trafficking ring.


Six wild animals were rescued in Curibita during the operations which were also believed to have been a part of the trafficking of wild animals going on in the state.

Three macaws, two capuchin monkeys, and a parrot were rescued from a 31-year-old who is believed to have been using false documents in order to keep the animals in captivity.

“It is not an individual action, it is a coordinated action, where we will probably find an animal trafficking network here in Paraná. This is just the first step for us to proceed with the investigation, arresting other people and rescuing other wild animals,” Laiola told ParanáPortal.

But none of those wild animals were as happy to see Laiola as the white dog was. You can see the dog’s reaction to being rescued in the video below.

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