Dog Refuses To Leave Paralyzed Owner Stuck In The Snow
With the nearest neighbor over a quarter of a mile away...he was certain he wouldn't survive.
Ashley Fike

Living alone can sound peaceful for some, but what would happen if there was an emergency? Like a slip or a fall? It’s certainly something to consider, especially as we get older and our bodies don’t work like they used to.

Bob, a man from Michigan who lived with his dog Kelsey, experienced a horrible accident and had no way of calling for help.


Bob was sitting in his home on New Year’s Eve waiting for the ball to drop. He was watching TV with his beloved dog by his side, and it was about an hour and a half away before welcoming in 2017. Bob had no idea that this would be the night his life would change forever.

During a commercial break, Bob took the opportunity to head outside to grab more logs for the fire that was dying inside. However, due to the icy, wintry conditions, Bob’s life was about to take a fateful turn.

Stepping outside to grab firewood, Bob slipped on the icy sidewalk, fell, and broke his neck. He terrifyingly found himself paralyzed.


Unable to move, Bob was lying face up in the freezing cold – his nearest neighbor was over a quarter mile away. He was certain that this would be how his life would end, since he couldn’t reach for a phone, and was unable to scream loud enough to be heard.

It wasn’t long before Kelsey heard Bob’s cries from outside. Rushing to his side to comfort him, she immediately knew something was wrong and began to bark frantically. Although Bob was happy to have Kelsey by his side, he was still certain that there was no way he’d find help.

For 20 long hours, Bob lain in the bone-chilling 24-degree weather, completely paralyzed. Kelsey tried her best to keep him warm while barking and howling the entire time.


Bob ended up losing consciousness during the ordeal, but his faithful dog was determined to keep him alive. She continued to bark and howl incessantly, trying as hard as she could to get the attention of anyone within earshot. Thankfully, her persistence worked – a neighbor finally heard her cries for help.

As soon as the neighbor arrived and saw Bob in such terrible condition, they immediately called an ambulance. Time was of the essence at this point and it was uncertain if Bob would even survive after being in such freezing temperatures for so long with such a traumatic injury.

Bob was rushed to the nearest hospital and doctors were able to decompress his spine, reversing his paralysis.

WSB-TV via YouTube
WSB-TV via YouTube

“I am so thankful for my two heroes,” Bob said in a statement, referring to both Kelsey and his neighbor. “They are truly heroes and I will be eternally grateful.”

If it wasn’t for Kelsey’s persistence, and Bob’s perseverance and will to survive, things could have turned out much differently. Bob certainly has a lot to be grateful for.

Kelsey is the epitome of being ‘man’s best friend,’ she certainly is to Bob. Watch the full story in the footage below.

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