Dog Hilariously Joins In Family Prayer At Mealtime
This little dog made my day.

There’s no doubt about it – your dog wants some of your dinner. It doesn’t really matter what you’re eating, they’re usually willing to give you those sweet puppy dog eyes for a taste of anything.

But some dogs really take it to the next level.

And one Jack Russell Terrier even briefly took up religion to see if that would earn him a seat at the table, so to speak.

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YouTube Screenshot - America's Funniest Home Videos

Now, let’s face it, dogs are pretty awesome, and very few people would argue with the statement that “all dogs go to Heaven” (whatever form that might take, including the pet-friendly “Rainbow Bridge”).

We doubt they need to pray for thanks or forgiveness or salvation.


But praying for food – sure.


“Prayer” might be a strong word for one little Jack Russell Terrier did, but he was certainly willing to look the part.

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YouTube Screenshot - America's Funniest Home Videos

As the camera pans around the table of a family praying before their dinner, it lands on what is presumably the empty seat of the cameraperson/family member.

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YouTube Screenshot - America's Funniest Home Videos

A seat now filled by the little pup.


As if hoping that no one notices anything is amiss, he’s climbed up in front of the place setting and is now ready to say grace before his meal.

You can’t take it away if he’s already said a prayer, right?

It looks like he’s hoping that’s the rule.

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YouTube Screenshot - America's Funniest Home Videos

He clasps his little paws together higher just like them.

It’s pretty funny – especially since he has to get up and balance on his hind legs to do it.

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YouTube Screenshot - America's Funniest Home Videos

We’re pretty sure he got a treat for performing on cue for the video, but we’d be surprised if he got to stay in that seat.


And it looks like this pup isn’t the only one caught prayer on film.

For example, these hilarious dogs in a Chinese video look like they give thanks before they’re handed their meals each day.

YouTube Screenshot - 葉佳軒
YouTube Screenshot - 葉佳軒

And one Golden Retriever is clearly just going through the motions because that’s more of a “begging the human” more than a “thanking a deity” approach to getting on with dinner.

YouTube Screenshot - 葉佳軒
YouTube Screenshot - 葉佳軒

Praying pooches

Believe it or not, teaching a dog to look like it’s praying is pretty common.

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YouTube Screenshot - Funny Videos

There are myriad compilation videos of dogs going through the motions of prayer on YouTube – perhaps just because we feel so close to our pets that we want them to partake in all of the moments of our lives that we feel are important.

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YouTube Screenshot - Funny Videos

Be sure to scroll down below to see the original video. We’re sure that the little Jack Russell trying to hold himself up in prayer will make you laugh!


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