Dog Poop DNA testing company has a unique way to hold irresponsible dog owners accountable
As a dog owner, I approve of this. Clean up after your dog.
Madison Maxwell

Have you ever been the unlucky person to step in someone else’s dog poo?

It always seems to happen at the worst times.

Well now, there’s a solution that is holding dog owners accountable across their communities.

YouTube - Inside Edition
YouTube - Inside Edition

Did you know pet waste is a big problem?

Pixabay - Gamagapix
Pixabay - Gamagapix

Although pet owners not cleaning up after their dog is an inconvenience to others, that’s not the only reason pet waste is a problem.

Looking at the bigger picture, the U.S. Department of Agriculture tells us that dog waste, if not picked up properly, can deplete the oxygen that is needed for water-based life to survive.

It also can encourage the growth of bad bacteria that can harm algae and also cause disease.

Pexels - Zen Chung
Pexels - Zen Chung

Why don’t dog owners pick up after their dogs?

Pixabay - Khaligo
Pixabay - Khaligo

There are many excuses that we’ve heard over the years from dog owners and why they didn’t pick up their dog’s waste. From “I forgot a bag” to “it was too small to waste a bag,” there always seems to be a justifiable reason.

Truth is if you live in a neighborhood and don’t pick up your dog’s poo, not only are you creating the possibility for someone to step in it, but also for someone else’s dog to get sick.

Pixabay - RitaE
Pixabay - RitaE

What will make dog owners pick up the poo?

Innovators behind PooPrints had a perfect idea.

With their tagline being “The DNA Solution for Dog Waste,” they are solving the problem one poo at a time!

So far, they have partnered with over 7,000 communities across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

They believe pet waste is not just a local issue, it’s a global issue – and they’re doing everything they can to make a difference.

Pexels - Mostera
Pexels - Mostera

How does PooPrints work?

When PooPrints partners with a business or an organization, they have protocols in place to make sure they can track every poo back to the culprit who left it.

For example, if you move into an apartment complex that has partnered with PooPrints, your dog needs to get its DNA on file.

It’s as easy as a quick cotton swab to the cheek!

Easy for the dog and for the owner.

Once the DNA is on file, if you don’t pick up after your dog, a sample is taken from the poo that wasn’t picked up and is run against all the DNA of the dogs in the complex.

It doesn’t take long before the finger is pointing in the right direction!

How does this hold people accountable?

Once the poo is trackable to each dog, companies are able to fine people for not following pet waste protocol.

For first offenses, the fine for not picking up after your dog is a whopping $250.

If you become a second offender, it doubles to around $500.

Ouch, right?

Those fines are lessons that will teach people very quickly to do things the right way.

Pixabay - MabelAmber
Pixabay - MabelAmber

Testing out how PooPrints works.

We can see in the video PooPrints getting put to the test!

One dog owner didn’t pick up after themselves when their dog used the restroom.

In a cute setup of Guilty or Not Guilty, we see three dogs who could be the culprit.

It was found that the culprit was Nucky the Chihuahua.

Check out Inside Edition’s segment about the story in the video below!

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