One of the best and most fun parts about having a pet is getting to teach them some tricks.
There are some pretty standard tricks that most pets, more specifically dogs, will learn as well. For example, there is sitting, jumping, catching a toy and sometimes, if you want to get really fancy about it, you can teach them how to play dead or stand on two legs.

It’s a fun experiment for everyone involved but it typically doesn’t go further than those couple of moves.
But every now and then, an extra talented pet comes along with their owner who has taught them some crazy stuff.

In a video uploaded just a few days ago, we see that apparently, it is possible for a pet owner to take tricks to the next level. Like… quite literally the next level.
Could you ever imagine your dog or cat standing on top of your feet while you lay on your back?

Try to imagine it. Seems pretty tough, right? Almost like an acrobatic trick that only professionals could master. Well, it is actually a move that this man is working toward with his not-so-little pup!
In the clip, we see the man lying on his back with both of his legs sticking up in the air. His Australian Shepherd is standing on top of his feet.

And in case you don’t already know, Australian Shepherds are not small dogs. This is a trick that would be hard to do with a teacup Yorkshire Terrier, let alone a dog the size of an actual human.
At the beginning, it honestly feels like that’s the trick. It’s already a pretty impressive feat, to be able to get your pet standing on top of your feet like that. It takes some serious muscle strength and balance.

But they are not even done. They take it one step further.
Then the duo decided to take the trick even further by having the dog slowly lift up onto only two legs, instead of all fours. To do this, the dog carefully puts his two front paws into his owner’s hands, who he clearly trusts so much.

Ideally, after that, it would be lift off for the dog. Once his two paws are in the owner’s hands, you can see the Australian Shepherd slowly try to lift his two back legs so that he is doing a handstand in his owner’s hands.
If that’s not trust, we’re not sure what is.

He doesn’t necessarily nail the handstand just yet but he sure does nail the landing.
And what’s most impressive about this anyway is the dog’s determination. He is so focused on nailing this move and so clearly understands what is happening.

He takes his time and really tries to balance out his body as best as he can and that’s all we could ever ask for, right?
We just can’t even believe that an owner and his dog can achieve something so cool to begin with. This is so impressive, it’s definitely not your average “play dead” trick!

It really must take a lot of patience, control, and skill to be able to get your dog to that level. And this also just proves that the Shepherd is really listening when his owner is talking to him.
That in itself is pretty cool, we’d have to say!

Have you ever been able to do a cool trick like this with your favorite furry animal?
Check it out in the video below.
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