If Your Dog Is Head Pressing It Could Be A Medical Emergency
Head pressing is a sign that something is wrong with your dog.
Cedric Jackson

If you have a dog, you probably love him or her with your whole heart.

You want to make sure that your pup is happy and in great health. But since your dog can’t talk, it can be hard to know what is going on with him or her.

You know the signs you should look out for when you are watching a child, but with a dog or any other kind of animal, these warning signs are not as immediately obvious. Therefore, you need to read up on some of the most common signs that something is wrong, so you can better ensure your pup stays happy and healthy.

Flickr/ Neha Viswanathan
Flickr/ Neha Viswanathan

One of the most obvious signs that something is wrong is called head pressing.

Your dog will go to a wall and push the top of his or her skull against it. When you first see this behavior, you might even think it’s cute. After all, don’t you think everything your dog does is adorable? However, this is a bad sign, and it is not something that should be taken lightly. Therefore, if you see your dog exhibiting this kind of behavior, it is time to make an appointment with your veterinarian right away.

While there are a variety of issues that lead to this behavior, none of them are good, and most of them are severe. They most likely have to do with neurological issues, which becomes obvious when you actually look at what your dog is doing.

Flickr/ llee_wu
Flickr/ llee_wu

Some of the most common problems that lead to head pressing include tumors located near the skull or in the head.

This behavior can relieve some of the pain that a dog might feel if he or she is suffering from a tumor. In addition, he or she might be suffering from a toxin in the system. For example, lead and other contaminants can cause problems for animals. Acute head trauma is another cause for head pressing since, again, it can relieve some pain. Your dog might also be suffering from a stroke or a metabolic disorder. When you take your pet to the vet, he or she might also check for prosencephalon disease, which is a brain disorder.

Head pressing is one of the most remarkable and severe symptoms your dog can exhibit.

That being said, it’s not the only symptom you should be on the lookout for. Several of the problems listed above boast a host of other symptoms you need to know about. If your dog is walking in circles, has irregular reflexes, or displays signs of visual impairment, you should visit your veterinarian immediately. These are bad signs that something could be wrong with your dog’s health. Pacing and seizures are also cause for concern and should be met with immediate medical intervention.

Flickr/ Army Medicine
Flickr/ Army Medicine

While it’s important to know these signs and symptoms, having a basic knowledge of what to look out for does not make you a veterinarian yourself.

Since your dog cannot explain what is wrong to you, you should never make any assumptions about your pup’s diagnosis. Instead, you should make an appointment to visit your veterinarian immediately. This person is trained in what to do in almost any animal health emergency, so he or she will be able to provide your dog with the healthcare he or she needs.

Flickr/ EX22218 - ON/OFF
Flickr/ EX22218 - ON/OFF

Therefore, you should keep your vet’s information handy should you ever need it.

That way, you can feel good about taking control of your dog’s health.

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