Family captures dog and thirsty koala sharing a drink
So glad they caught this adorable moment on video.
Megan Bennett

Friendship comes in all shapes and sizes… and species!

This is proven by a thirsty dog and his koala friend, who often share a drink on the hottest of summer days.

Facebook - Andrew Frost
Facebook - Andrew Frost

Rusty the dog, and his friend Quasi the koala, have been friends for years and often share their water with each other.

Riley and Olivia Stone, residents of Adelaide Hills in South Australia, noticed a few years ago that on especially hot days, a koala would visit their backyard to drink from their dogs’ water bowl and cool down in the shade provided by their trees.

The family welcomed the little marsupial and would even pluck leaves off nearby eucalyptus trees to give the little guy something to eat.

Pexels - Flip Side
Pexels - Flip Side

The family decided to name the koala Quasi, and his visits are now a regular part of the family’s day.

Due to the high temperatures in southern Australia, the Stones often sit outside in their yard and enjoy the sun and the nature that surrounds them.

They all look forward to seeing Quasi, but Rusty, especially, he and the little koala have really bonded.

Facebook - Andrew Frost
Facebook - Andrew Frost

As soon as Quasi gets down off his perch to get a drink, Rusty is right there with him.

They are so comfortable with each other that they even nuzzle noses in greeting.

You can tell how happy Rusty is when he sees his friend, as the dog’s tail is wagging the whole time.

Facebook - Andrew Frost
Facebook - Andrew Frost

The animals originally met during Australia’s bushfires, which is likely why Quasi decided to get so close to the Stone’s and their pup.


However, he obviously felt safe and comfortable with them, and liked the fresh water and hand-fed eucalyptus so much that he keeps coming back.

The first meeting between koala and canine was likely a bit timid, but luckily the pair have really grown to love each other and enjoy their meetings.

Pexels - Laureen Raftopulos
Pexels - Laureen Raftopulos

Though bushfires in Australia continue to be an extremely prevalent issue, it has led to heartwarming moments like this.

Any animal, whether dog, koala, or even human, needs water to survive, and so the fact that all species can come together and put aside their difference, in order to quench their thirst is a very special thing.

These two highlight just how important it is to be kind to those you don’t know, and who are different from you.

Facebook - Andrew Frost
Facebook - Andrew Frost

Rusty and Quasi have new friends, and the Stones have a very entertaining show every afternoon.

Koalas are undoubtedly adorable little creatures, and everybody already knows how sweet dogs are, so it makes sense that these two would create such a buzz on the internet.


The post, made by family friend Andrew Frost, has been viewed almost 8 million times and has received over 164 thousand likes.

Facebook - Andrew Frost
Facebook - Andrew Frost

In the world we live in today, where everybody could use some kindness and something to make them smile, this video definitely does the trick.

Facebook - Andrew Frost
Facebook - Andrew Frost

Meet Rusty and his friend Quasi in the Facebook video linked below.

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