Sneaky dog tries to scare her owner every time she comes up the stairs
Some dogs can’t help but have a little fun at their owner's expense.
Cheryl Knight

Labradoodles are very playful, if not exuberantly so. They love to have fun with their owners and any children that might be around. Couple that with their intelligence and you can see where things might get out of hand. That is why it is important to keep them mentally and physically stimulated.

One Labradoodle has taken her playfulness to the next level by being sneaky and scaring her owner.

A very smart Labradoodle

YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos
YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos

In a video, the dog is shown hiding at the top of the stairs. She seems to be waiting for someone, but what is she up to. Soon, a woman comes into view and begins climbing the stairs.

Getting the scare of her life

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YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos

At this point, the Labradoodle jumps out and scares her. It seems the dog has learned how to play hide and seek and is wanted to test out her newfound skills on his owner, who seems visibly shaken by the sneaky pooches antics.

The dog is very proud of her accomplishment

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YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos

Once she has scared her, the dog whips around in circles, pleased that she was able to pull one over on his owner. She looks cute and adorable as she spins and her owner reaches out to pat her on the head for being such a smart girl.

Falling for it again

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YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos

But she’s not finished yet. Next, she is shown again, this time later in the day. She is up to his old tricks again as she waits for her owner.

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YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos

You can see her pass by and she seems unsure if she will come up the stairs or not.

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YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos

She is soon rewarded for her patience as she starts walking up the stairs, a stack of towels in her hand. You would think she would be expecting her dog’s tactics by now, but she is scared once again. You can even see the look of slight annoyance in her eyes as she reaches out to pat her on the head.

The dog switches up his tactics

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YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos

Maybe now she will finally know to look for him whenever she comes up the stairs, but the Labradoodle is way ahead of her. Once again, she lies in wait, but this time on the opposite side of the stairs. She is quite an intelligent dog.

Of course, as her owner comes up the stairs, she peers cautiously around the corner of the railing to see if she is waiting to jump out. So, it is understandable what happens next.


The dog is very good at her new trick

YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos
YouTube Screenshot – RM Videos

She jumps out once again, this time making her jump when she scares her. The poor lady probably should just put a bell on her so she’ll know where she is at all times.

You can watch the video below for more of this intelligent dog scaring her owner over and over.

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Sources: YouTube – RM Videos, Reshareworthy
