Five-year-old Maya and her pup Abby share an unbreakable bond. These two have been together since they were babies!

When Maya was a baby, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. When the little girl was a few months old, her mom decided she wanted to add a dog to her family. She hoped that Maya would bond with the dog, and so she knew she had to get the perfect pup.
When Maya’s mom, Ann, saw a photo of Abby, she knew she was perfect for Maya. The dog was also born with a disability—she was missing her right front paw.

Ann brought Abby home, and she and Maya instantly clicked.
“Right away, when we brought Abby home, she became Maya’s shadow,” Ann said.
Before finding her perfect family, Abby had been training to be a therapy dog. Even though the pup didn’t finish her training, she still had a sweet, patient temperament. She was also very caring—when Maya was in therapy, she would stand next to her, ready to catch her if she fell.

Maya was determined to walk, and she spent the first few years of her life going to therapy and working on her walking skills. Abby was next to her every step of the way.
“We’re always trying to help her and she always says, ‘No, I can do it!'” Ann told ABC News. “She doesn’t need or want help to do things. She’s going to try to do it herself.”

Finally, when Maya was four, she walked for the first time without her walker.
“I’m walking!” Maya shouted as she walked across her living room. “I even did the big step.”
Abby was so proud of Maya! She jumped her joy as Maya walked next to her.
Abby and Maya always have a great time together. The pair love hanging out in the house, and Maya will often ‘cook’ for Abby by mixing her food with water.
“Bless Abby’s heart, she’ll eat it,” Ann said.

Maya and Abby also enjoy playing outside together in the backyard. Abby will keep a close eye on Maya to make sure she’s okay while they’re playing. Abby will even help Maya build snowmen!

Ann is so glad that Maya has Abby in her life. The pair are as close as can be. Maya summed up Abby perfectly:
“She’s a really good dog,” Maya said.

Abby and Maya are a sweet pair who are always there for each other. If you want to see Abby cheering Maya on while she walks, check out the video below.
If you’d like to see more photos and videos of Maya and Abby, head to Maya’s Facebook or Instagram pages.
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