Sweet dog falls in love with butterflies and their friendship is something out of a storybook
The way his eyes go all soft when the butterflies are on his nose. 😍😭 What a sweetie pie. 🐾
Elijah Chan

What kind of friends does your pet have?

All things, big or small, can become best of friends.

That’s what Milo, a 2-year-old Nova Scotia duck-tolling retriever, showed the world.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

Milo has always been gentle-natured and loving toward all living things, which led to a heartwarming story of how a dog became the friend of the butterflies.

It all started when Jennifer Bennet, his owner, started a garden.

She explained that her plot of land had all kinds of beautiful fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

To help their garden thrive, she started raising monarch butterflies.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

Milo has always been beside her throughout the entire gardening process.

He was accustomed to sights, sounds, and squirms around the garden. So when their place became a haven for butterflies, Milo quickly became the insects’ favorite visitor.

Then, Bennet decided to document Milo’s amazing relationship with nature.

Milo was catapulted to internet fame when Bennet sent a video of her dog to a pet content social media account, We Rate Dogs.

The video showed Milo wearing a wreath of butterflies.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

The video has about 2.2 million views, and people worldwide celebrated Milo’s friendship with these essential ecosystem members.

Much like bees, butterflies are pollinating agents.

These insects are more than their kaleidoscopic wings that sometimes resemble stained glass windows.

Butterflies are attracted to bright flowers and feed on their nectar.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

In doing so, the flower’s pollen attaches to their legs, and when they transfer to another plant, they get to deposit said pollen which ensures the plant’s reproduction.

It seems like Milo knows this too!

“He is always patient when they land on him,” Bennett told The Dodo.

“He sees their process with me, from baby caterpillars to chrysalis to butterflies.”

She also shares that Milo somehow knows the butterflies are friends.

He loves frolicking around the garden to check on them occasionally.

Eventually, Milo’s friendly nature and the beauty of Bennet’s garden attracted migrating butterflies too!

Bennett said they had millions of painted lady butterflies coming through their garden.

They came in like a cloud of pretty colors and descended on the plants.

Milo, she shared, was so mesmerized by the visitors that he kept looking up at them in awe, snapping his gaze back and forth so he could list every visitor down in his memory.

When he’s not out tending to his butterfly friends, Milo goes in front of the camera for his cooking show.

Milo has a cooking channel on YouTube where he helps Bennett prepare different treats and dishes that dogs can surely enjoy!

Bennett describes Milo as a “professional chef.”

His show, called “Drooling For Treats,” even featured his butterfly friends when they made pumpkin dog cookies cut in butterfly shapes.

People on the internet can’t get enough of this friendship.

“Milo looks like a flower child from the 1960s with his butterfly crown. He is one with nature,” said one commenter.

“What an amazing story about Milo and his butterflies,” shared another.

“I see a children’s book in the future! Such a beautiful soul with a heart for flowers, farm animals, and of course, butterflies!” a

And you know what? We see it too!

Watch how this dog became a friend to the butterflies.

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