Adorable Little Dog Crashes TV Weather Report
This cute little dog is an amazing weatherman!
Rachel Shapiro

On July 22, 2018, there was a 100% chance of adorable dogs in Houston’s KPRC 2 News Station!

KPRC 2 Houston via Facebook
KPRC 2 Houston via Facebook

Weatherman Khambrel Marshall was doing his usual segment when a surprising guest walked in: a little dog named Angel. Angel was supposed to be part of a segment spotlighting adoptable dogs in Houston.

One-year-old Angel was too excited about his TV debut to stay still. And so, when the volunteer with him put him down for a moment to adjust her microphone, Angel started wandering around the studio.

KPRC 2 Houston via Facebook
KPRC 2 Houston via Facebook

Angel happened to wander onto the set just as Marshall was giving the day’s forecast. When Marshall saw Angel saw sniffing around, he was as excited as could be!

“Oh, look what I got here!” Marshall said when he saw Angel.

Marshall quickly picked Angel up and invited him to report the weather with him:

“Do you want to do this segment with me? Come on, do this segment with me.”

As Marshall talked about the weather for the day, he held Angel and pet him.

With his new co-host, Marshall talked about the record highs in the area. Holding Angel also reminded him to warn other pet owners about the dangers of hot weather.

“Make sure you keep your pets inside and keep clean water for you guys. Right, you want that?” he said to Angel.

KPRC 2 Houston via Facebook
KPRC 2 Houston via Facebook

The cute video quickly went viral, receiving over 50,000 views in just a few days. Everyone loved Marshall’s reaction to his new little co-host!

KPRC 2 Houston via Facebook
KPRC 2 Houston via Facebook

Marshall joked about the surprising addition to his segment on his Facebook page. He wrote:

“What is it they say about never share the stage with a child or animals? I did it and it turned out fine!”

After Angel’s surprise weather appearance, it was time for the segment he was actually there for.

YouTube Screenshot
YouTube Screenshot

Marshall talked to a volunteer from the Houston Humane Society about little Angel. The volunteer talked about how Angel’s owner had to surrender him because they couldn’t have pets at their new place. The volunteer also said Angel has a sweet, mellow personality.

Angel was a good boy the entire time he was on TV!

“He obviously loves weather — or weather people,” Marshall joked.


Angel is available for adoption through the Houston Humane Society. We’re sure with his newfound celebrity, it won’t take long for this sweet boy to find a good home.

KPRC 2 Houston via Facebook
KPRC 2 Houston via Facebook

This weatherman did a great job improvising when a cute little dog wandered onto his show! If you’d like to learn more about Angel, contact the Houston Humane Society.

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