Stray dog crashes performance to help actor who's pretending to be injured
A street performance was interrupted by a cute stray dog who rushed to help the "injured" actor.
Tania Nemtzidou

Imagine you are in the middle of a performance when you are interrupted by a furry friend only with the noblest of intentions. You have surely heard of dogs’ natural instincts of being protective of their owners/family.

This happens because dogs have inherited the pack instinct, so even when they are members of a family, they view those fellow members as pack mates and their instinct tells them to protect them. However, no one would expect that a stray dog would feel that kind of “protectiveness” over a stranger.

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Well, this is exactly what happens in our story. During a street theatrical performance in Turkey, when an actor in the group was pretending to be hurt and lying on the ground, he received the most heartwarming and adorable reaction from a four-legged friend, watching the show.

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While the actor Numan Ertuğrul Uzunsoy was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, as he was supposed to be gravely hurt, a stray dog that was passing by, seeing the young man lying there, rushed to his aid. The dog carefully approached the man, and after trying to understand his condition, the cute dog proceeded to lick and kiss the actor.

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In the next shot, we can see how beautifully the dog places his head below Uzunsoy’s head, on his throat area, trying to cuddle with the “injured” man. What it’s even more adorable is the young man’s reaction, when he starts broadly smiling.

The actor told The Dodo, “I was very happy when I felt the dog’s kisses,”, he even confessed “I was very touched. He was like an angel who wanted to help me. It was a very emotional moment for me. I was not expecting it.”

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Of course, the performance had to momentarily stop so the dog would be removed. Uzunsoy stayed there lying on the ground while his mates tried to take the dog away, not without petting him first. The whole scene didn’t seem to bother the audience which seemed to enjoy the dog’s own performance. One could say that in the end, the dog was the one stealing the spotlight.

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Uzunsoy was so taken with the dog and he was so moved by the dog’s attention that the next day he returned to the place of the street performance looking for his adorable friend. He explained to Dodo, “The next day I went to the same place, looking for him. People told me he usually hangs out there. I went again today,” Uzunsoy said. “I’ll look for him until I find him. I’ve always loved animals.”

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What a lovely ending to a most unique performance! Two friends, a human and a dog, meeting in such a way that shows indeed that dogs can be humans’ most loyal friends. And, it’s truly so comforting to know that there is someone that will always have your back.

What a bond to have! Hopefully, Uzunsoy will be able to find this amazing dog, and who knows maybe in the next performance the dog could make a cameo.

Watch the precious video below.

If you would like to see the whole adorable scene, check out the video below.

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