Some experts argue for the celebration of less intelligent but affectionate dog breeds, challenging the preference for highly intelligent dogs. While certain breeds may not excel in obedience training, they offer loyalty and calm companionship, appealing to those prioritizing canine affection over intellectual prowess. Despite obedience challenges, supposedly less intelligent breeds win over owners with their endearing qualities.

Afghan hound

Despite being among the priciest dog breeds globally, the Afghan hound is reported to have the lowest IQ according to Coren’s research. However, their independence and strong-willed nature may explain their reluctance to learn commands. Afghans are known for their affectionate behavior towards family members, entertaining kids with their glamorous hair-flipping antics, and getting along well with other dogs. While they may not excel in mastering complex tricks, their energetic and playful nature, coupled with their luxurious, low-shedding coats, makes them appealing companions.