Dog befriends wild duck and now duck won’t leave him alone
Daffy the Duck gets very upset when other dogs try to play with him and McGee the dog.
D.G. Sciortino

They say birds of a feather flock together. But McGee doesn’t have any feathers.

But the 6-year-old dog still flocks to the wild duck who lives in the pond behind Evan Hastings’ house.

Well, it’s more like the other way around. That duck is pretty much obsessed with McGee. And McGee doesn’t mind one bit.


“He’s a wonderful friendly dog with not a mean bone in his body,” Hastings told The Dodo.

The two met by chance when McGee was roaming around the backyard. The duck, who was nicknamed Daffy, was the only duck in the pond and figured he would try to make friends with McGee.

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Apparently, Daffy skipped right over the pleasantries.

Which wasn’t all that bad because now he and McGee are BFFs.

“I think the duck just got lonely and started harassing McGee and then they became best buddies.”

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These two are inseparable now. They spend their days putzing around the pond and enjoying the beautiful sunshine.

“They do this all day long if he’s laying in the yard the duck is laying on top of him,” Hastings wrote on Facebook.

Daffy can be kind of a skutch. He’s always doing something to try and hold McGee’s attention. He’ll just keep pecking at McGee.

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And pecking, and pecking, and pecking, and pecking. But being the kind and gentle soul that he is, McGee just lets it slide.

McGee will even go so far as to share his food with Daffy.

They’ll often eat out of the same bowl every morning. But McGee isn’t perfect. Eventually, his patience starts to wear thin.

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“During the day, McGee will be laying in the grass and the duck will be laying on his back also,” Hastings said. “I think McGee gets annoyed after awhile because the duck is nonstop pecking at him for some reason.”

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Still Daffy persists and just follows McGee around day and night when he’s outside.

When they’re not putzing around, they’re going for a nice swim.


But Daffy can get kind of lazy when it comes to swimming. He will often hitch a ride on McGee’s back.

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First Daffy will jump into the pond and swim out.

Once McGee gets in, Daffy hops on McGee’s back.

Sometimes he’ll have himself a Titanic “I’m the King of the World” moment and hold his wings up. Then Daffy will let McGee swim them both to shore. It’s quite a spectacle.


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“When they swim together the duck is always trying to get on his back,” Hastings said. “Sometimes when he’s up there, he’ll hold his wings straight out — it’s hilarious.”

And the strange thing is that Daffy is very specific about being attached to McGee.

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He won’t play with just any old dog. In fact, he’ll get upset when other dogs try to play with them.

For Daffy, McGee and McGee only will do.

And on top of that, Daffy wants McGee all to himself. He’ll even go on the defense if someone tries to intrude on him and McGee’s playdate.

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“I have two beagle dogs and let them loose in the evenings and the duck actually chases them back to the kennel,” Hastings said. “For some reason, the duck doesn’t want the beagles around McGee — maybe so he can have him all to himself.”

Hastings posted a video of the McGee and Daffy playing and people went wild over it.

“Omgosh! This is one of the cutest videos I’ve ever seen,” said one of Hastings’ friend.

And we definitely agree! We hope Daffy and McGee stay friends for a very long time. Check out them having some fun in the pond below.

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