Deployed dad sends 'smelly' shirt home, dog has best reaction
Rachel Shapiro

Brindle is a sweet dog who loves his parents more than anything in the world. Brindle’s parents, JD and Rachel Aument, rescued the dog from a shelter when he was a puppy. The dog was so happy to have a home.

Rachel Aument via Facebook
Rachel Aument via Facebook

JD and Rachel also have another dog, Xavier. Rachel says that Xavier is closer to her, and Brindle is closer to JD.

JD is in the military, and in 2018, he was deployed overseas. Since JD and Brindle were so bonded, the pup had a tough time with his dad’s deployment.

“He’s so sad without him here. He loves me, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not his person.” Rachel told The Dodo. “He has days where he just sits at the front window, crying.”

Rachel Aument via Facebook
Rachel Aument via Facebook

In March 2019, nine months into JD’s deployment, Rachel told JD that Brindle was having a hard time. JD wanted to do something to help the pup, and he quickly came up with the perfect idea.

JD sent home a “stinky” shirt that smelled just like him!

Rachel Aument via Facebook
Rachel Aument via Facebook

Rachel gave Brindle the shirt, and Brindle immediately started rubbing against it, tail wagging. It was clear that he knew the shirt belonged to JD!

“He immediately knew that it was JD’s shirt,” Rachel said. “There was no doubt about it. I was crying so hard while recording his reaction.”

Rachel Aument via Facebook
Rachel Aument via Facebook

Rachel said that the shirt also helped comfort her when she was missing her husband.

“I miss JD so much and it was the first time any of us had smelled him in almost 10 months,” Aument said. “I had to take a minute with the shirt for myself before I could share with Brindle.”

Rachel Aument via Facebook
Rachel Aument via Facebook

Rachel shared a video of Brindle’s reaction to the shirt on Facebook, and it quickly went viral, receiving over 600,000 views. Everyone was touched by how much Brindle loved his dad.

Over the next month, Brindle carried the shirt with him everywhere. Rachel even began dressing Brindle in the shirt, which he loved. Wearing the shirt made Brindle feel closer to his dad.

Rachel Aument via Facebook
Rachel Aument via Facebook

Thankfully, Brindle didn’t have to wait long before he got to see his dad in person. In May 2019, JD came home from his deployment!


Brindle was so excited to see his dad. He jumped up and down when he walked in the door, and then he refused to leave his side.

Rachel Aument via Facebook
Rachel Aument via Facebook

Rachel, Brindle, and Xavier are all so happy to have JD back, and his shirt provided comfort during a tough time for all three of them. If you’d like to see the video of Brindle with JD’s shirt, check it out below.

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