Delivery man helps old man find new dog after finding a heartbreaking note from him
Because of the driver's kindness, the man has a dog companion once again.
Elijah Chan

We can never underestimate the power of a dog’s love.

As species who evolved alongside each other, man and canine have established a bond that cannot be explained – only felt.

In a heartbreaking turn of events, a delivery man saw this bond firsthand and decided he will do what it takes to help someone have a companion for life.

David McLeod has been delivering to a specific address for the past 6 years.

They were not necessarily close but McLeod somehow knew the man or how he was living his life. In one of his deliveries, however, he knew that the elderly man was going through a difficult time.

McLeod said that he has found a note plastered on windows and on a bus stop. After investigating the notice, he believed that the note was written by the elderly man.

His heart sank when he read the note.

“Small dog for company,” the note began, “lost my dog with cancer. Do not feel well without him. Jack Russell Cairn.”

The note was also ended with a statement that the elderly man was willing to pay £30 to anyone who can give him a dog.

McLeod must’ve sensed the man’s desperation and decided to help him no matter what.

He shared to The Scotsman that after making deliveries to the man for the past six years, he can vouch that he’s a “nice man.”

He also said that he was upset and that “it broke his heart” when he realized the man was suffering without someone beside him.

He may not have the ability to bring back the old man’s elderly dog, but he can definitely give him a new one on who he could shower his love on.

He turned to social media to ask for help.

He posted a photo of the desperate notice and fortunately, his plea didn’t fall on deaf ears. People flocked to his post and shortly after it became viral.

Through all of the responses he received, one stood out. He was led to an organization that matches dogs to elderly people.

Give a Dog a Bone is a charity foundation that aims to alleviate geriatric loneliness by rehoming dogs to senior citizens.

McLeod was immensely thankful for the overwhelming support.

“The response I have received from the public has been absolutely amazing,” he said as quoted by the Daily Record. “It will definitely improve the man’s quality of life – and it’s so good to see how much people care.”

His move also prompted other people in the area who stepped up to help the old man. He shared that the people in the community began keeping in touch with him.

He could only hope that things go well for the elderly man.

He shared that as much as he wanted to help, the people within these organizations are more capable of addressing the matter.

He said that he is excited to see the elderly man again and the new dog that will be staying with him should the matching and adoption succeed.

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