Curious deer comes running hearing tiny baby’s cries
This is really neat to watch.
Eduardo Gaskell

Doe, a deer, a female deer…

Well no one actually sang but when mom had her baby resting on the balcony, the little one began crying like all babies do and that’s when that deer came running out of the woods to check.

That’s really good motherly instincts and even the baby’s mom knew what it was.


These mammals are some of the more graceful creatures out there, and it’s always a treat to see one.

But while most people see deer by accident, this one came out to investigate the little one.

It could have been any other animal, but it was a beautiful female.


Female deer, also called does, give birth to one to three young around May or June after a gestation period of seven months.

Their young deer, called fawns, are easily recognizable with a reddish-brown coat dotted with white spots.

They need it to blend in the forest as they are so vulnerable to predators.


And you can bet their moms will do anything and everything to protect them.

No different from human moms who will go to the ends of the earth for their children. So watch out.

Must have been a nice, breezy day out hence why mom took her little one out on the porch for a little one on one with nature.


Being herbivores, deer will leisurely graze on most available plant foods. Those stomachs digest a varied diet.

It is curious that this doe came out in the daylight hours as deer are primarily nocturnal or crepuscular.

dThat means they are mainly seen out at dawn and dusk.

Young deer can outrun predators from time to time, sprinting up to 30 miles, even jumping up to 10 feet and as far as 30 feet in a single bound to attempt escape.


A human mother will use anything as a weapon to defend her baby though so be warned.

The doe doesn’t really come close.

Perhaps she thought the human baby was alone but upon seeing the mother, stopped and assessed the situation.


“That deer is awesome. Look at her in all her glory hurrying with her long ass legs to the baby!!

And then just watches to be sure baby is okay. Amazing!!” says a viewer.

But mom is sweet enough to tell the doe that her baby is fine and that there’s nothing to worry about.


She even tells her baby that a female deer came out to check on all that crying.

No one knows to this day why the baby was crying.

Could be sleep, food, cold, or something else.

They say the baby’s cries sounded similar to a fawn’s, maybe that’s why the doe came running out to check.


It’s certainly an interesting thought, seeing an animal respond to a human child’s crying.

There have been many instances of animals going out of their way to help children.

Perhaps there is a language hidden among the pure and the innocent.

Watch the video below and see how the doe comes out for the baby!

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