Deaf service dog goes insane with excitement seeing his soldier daddy come home
And then, the moment of truth.
Jenny Brown

Meet Cotton, a pitbull who could give the Energizer Bunny a run for its money in terms of enthusiasm.

You know how they say dogs are a man’s best friend? Well, Cotton takes that to a whole new level.

His dad, a soldier in the Oregon National Guard, was away for a mere weekend, but you’d think it was a lifetime the way Cotton was acting.

He was practically ticking off the seconds on an imaginary clock, waiting for his dad to come back.

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Ever catch yourself wondering if your dog thinks you’ve ventured into a black hole when you leave the house?

Yeah, we’ve all been there. Cotton was no exception.

He was probably imagining his dad on some epic quest, like something out of a movie.

The house just wasn’t the same; it was like someone turned off the music at a party.

But let’s hit the pause button and dish out some backstory on our four-legged hero.

Cotton isn’t your run-of-the-mill pooch.

He’s deaf and used to be a rescue dog. Life was a series of question marks for him until his soldier dad swooped in like a knight in shining armor.

Cotton didn’t just become another pet; he became a certified service dog, a confidant, and a sidekick.

If dogs could get frequent flyer miles, Cotton would have enough to circle the globe—just to be with his dad.

Now, back to the anticipation. Cotton was like a kid on Christmas Eve, except instead of waiting for Santa, he was waiting for his dad.

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He paced, he stared, he probably even did some doggy meditation to pass the time.

It’s like he had this internal radar saying, “Hang tight, your human is almost here.”

And then, the moment of truth.

The door swings open, and Cotton turns into a fur missile.

He’s all wagging tails and airborne leaps, like a gymnast nailing a perfect routine.

Trying to get past him? Good luck. It’s like trying to walk through a tornado of fur and love.

You can’t help but think, “Man, what’s it like to be on the receiving end of that much affection?”

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Cotton was a whirlpool of emotions, a cocktail of joy and relief.

He was so overjoyed, he couldn’t decide whether to smother his dad in cuddles or just fuse into him like some sort of love-powered Transformer.

If we had a doggy thought translator, it would be buzzing with Cotton’s inner monologue:

“You’re back! Is this real life? Swear on your favorite chew toy that you won’t leave again!”

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It’s like he needed to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.

So here’s the takeaway: This isn’t just a story about a dog and his human.

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It’s a testament to the unbreakable bond that can form between us and our furry companions.

It’s the kind of love that doesn’t need words, the kind that fills up a room and makes even the toughest of us get a little misty-eyed.

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Watch the full video below to enjoy this adorable fella’s welcome home ceremony!

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