Deaf and blind pup knows just when her daddy gets home from work
Mom captured sweet footage that's racked up over 2 million views.
Safet Satara

Dogs are sensitive and loyal animals whose snouts are incredibly sensitive to hundreds of different smells. Studies have shown that pups have more than 200 million olfactory receptors in their noses (compare that to humans’ 5 million). It’s safe to say that doggies can smell things we can’t even imagine.


We want to introduce you to Opal, a white Australian shepherd mix puppy. She is completely deaf and blind, but the good girl can tell when her owner gets home.

Opal is a double Merle. Blindness and deafness came as results of bad breeding.

Nothing to worry about, though. The white puppy has always been able to compensate eyes and ears with an incredible sense of smell and a lot of love. When you think about it, Opal never knew what it’s like to see or hear. She was born this way, and she’s making most of it. Good for you, beautiful baby. Your story is an inspiration that nothing should ever bring us down.


Since the pup has been acting crazy at the smell of her owner for a long time, her mom decided to grab a camera and record a happy moment when Opal’s dad is about to come home.

Christine and Forrest Bray from Spokane, Washington, got Opal when she was just two months old.

Mrs. Bray is filming the video in their garden, and the star is Opal. At first, the dog is calm. A couple of seconds later, Opal stands up as if she’s noticed something. Seconds go by, and the puppy’s excitement grows incredibly.

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She runs to the fence, stands on her back legs, then runs around the garden as if she’s expecting something. Opal’s adorable wagging tail shows just how happy she is.

Everything is fine when Opal’s master comes home. The dog is overwhelmed and runs to greet Forrest.

You can hear Christine saying that Opal’s “like this every day,” but the camera is focused on the happy dog the whole time. Opal can’t see, but the fact that she can smell her owner when he’s not even in the gate yet is extraordinary.

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YouTube Screenshot - RM Videos

Although Opal can’t hear, Forrest still baby talks to her. That’s because dogs can still sense the energy and feel the vibration from their owner’s voice. Isn’t it amazing?

What to know if you plan to adopt a deaf and blind dog?

Most people write off a deaf and blind puppy, but the truth is that they can be an equally great companion as any other pet. You just have to get used to the idea that those little heroes use their noses and paws to manage the way around.

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If you own a dog like Opal, you have to provide extra safety measures. Blind and deaf dogs cannot hear other dogs, cars, or people. For example, if Opal got lost, she’d be in terrible danger. The key is to have a lot of patience, and the rest comes easily.

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YouTube Screenshot - RM Videos

The video has more than 2 million views on YouTube.

We can indeed say that Opal’s joy went viral. People wrote hundreds of positive comments, praising the great owners for giving Opal so much love and patience.


Owning a dog that can’t see or hear can be quite a challenge, but keep in mind that dogs are excellent at adjusting, and they pick up new information with ease. We’re happy to see Opal enjoying the family life so much. You just smell your way around, Opal!

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YouTube Screenshot - RM Videos

Watch the video below to see Opal’s reaction when daddy gets home!

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