Dad’s attempts at ignoring dog hilariously backfire
The dog's patience was tested.
Sheehan Diapues

Generally, dogs are affectionate and loving to their owners, thus considered man’s best friend.

Though at times, they can also be hilarious and outright goofy.

Youtube - TheBinghamHouse
Youtube - TheBinghamHouse

The “All about me,” dog in the house!

As for the Weimaraner breeds, everything is all about them.

They have always been equivalent to a two-year-old’s activeness and attitude.

Just like Gus, a Weimaraner who got captured on video with its dad.

Youtube - TheBinghamHouse
Youtube - TheBinghamHouse

“It’s hard to generalize about the Weimaraner personality but a core trait, that runs in the veins of all of them, is that they are people–centric,” as mentioned by a pet organization called Weimaraner Club of America. “They love the company of humans to the point that they will follow you around your house like a second shadow. Weimaraners are always underfoot, curious, wanting to be involved in your activities,” they further added.

Youtube - TheBinghamHouse
Youtube - TheBinghamHouse

In the video, the dog’s owner wanted to try Gus’ patience and see what the dog would do if Dad keeps on ignoring Gus.

And the game was on!

Gus was on his hind legs as the front legs are on Dad’s lap.

At first, it was just a series of stares and look-away from both sides.

The dad looks at Gus for a few seconds then ignores him again.

This makes the dog more impatient than ever.

Youtube - TheBinghamHouse
Youtube - TheBinghamHouse

Gus placed his front paw on his dad’s shoulder as if starting to beg for attention.

But the owner stood his ground and still ignored the poor Weimaraner.

Gus’ eyes were so expressive, one might say he was about to cry.

Soon after, Gus was making a cute bark that somehow caught Dad’s attention, but only for a split second and Dad moved his eyes away from the dog again.

Youtube - TheBinghamHouse
Youtube - TheBinghamHouse

Gus’ patience was growing thin.

Determined to win his owner’s time and attention, and with a little wag of the tail, Gus continued to press on.

He made a loud “woof” that surprised Dad! For a few seconds, Dad stared at Gus and ignored him again after.

Then Gus started to whine.

The barks and cries continued on until Gus raised the white flag and roamed around the room.

Gus looked at Mom while filming him, but he did not get the attention he needed also.

Youtube - TheBinghamHouse
Youtube - TheBinghamHouse

Then Mom whispered, “What do you want? Do you want to eat?” while still filming. Gus’ head tilted, he then turned another round in the room and sat on the floor.

Mom continued to ask Gus what he wanted and told him to get his bowl.

But ultimately, Gus’ patience ran out and walked out of the room.

Youtube - TheBinghamHouse
Youtube - TheBinghamHouse

“I’m walking away.”

At the end of the video, Gus was seen walking out from Mom and Dad.

Defeated, he really did not like that game.

Youtube - TheBinghamHouse
Youtube - TheBinghamHouse

Gus’ video was viewed more than 11 million times already since its posting way back in 2012.

One user commented “Those are the sweetest most expressive eyes, you can see the love, trust and innocence in them. He’s a great looking dog as well. Beautiful coat.”

Check out the video of Dad and Gus, and see his reaction!

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