Dachshund melts hearts with adorable ‘greeting’ for 84-yr-old grandma
These two are true soulmates.
Jake Manning

When Grandma first laid eyes on Sally the puppy, it was love at first sight.

Ever since that moment, Sally has made regular visits to Grandma’s house, about two to three times a week.

Their bond is undeniable, and every visit is filled with joy and laughter.

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“When we get to Nan’s house,” her granddaughter shares, “Sally will trot straight through, get on the floor, roll over and then Nan will just scratch her and give her a kiss, and blow raspberries on her neck and Sally loves it.”

Mornings at grandma’s house have a special routine.

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As Grandma enjoys her coffee and cereal, Sally finds her spot on her lap.

After breakfast, the two of them sit by the window, engrossed in bird-watching.

Time seems to stand still for them, and they could easily spend hours in this simple pleasure.

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The bond between Grandma and Sally is so strong that they even have daily video call sessions.

While the granddaughter is a part of these calls, it’s clear that Grandma’s main intention is to check in on Sally.

This unique connection between them has been a source of solace for Grandma, especially during challenging times.

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Two years ago, Grandma faced the heart-wrenching loss of her husband.

It was during this painful period that Sally proved to be an invaluable source of comfort.

“Sally was there the day after my granddad died. Sally was with Nan all the time. I know that Sally definitely helped my Nan through that horrendous time,” the granddaughter recalls.

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At 84, Grandma treats Sally with the same affection and care one would give a human baby.

Their bond is truly extraordinary. From cuddles and songs to holding Sally like a baby, Grandma’s love knows no bounds. And yes, she does spoil Sally a bit, especially with the occasional dessert treat.

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But as the granddaughter puts it, “Nan’s the boss of our family. So if Nan wants to give Sally an extra treat, then I’m not going to say no.”

A funny incident occurred when the family gifted Grandma a dog statue resembling Sally. Sally’s reaction? She was none too pleased!

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Her jealousy peaked when Grandma held the statue just like she holds Sally.

Sally’s response was to bark and tug at Grandma’s arm, trying to pull her away from the statue. It was a hilarious and endearing moment that showcased Sally’s possessiveness.

Pets, like Sally, have consistently shown to be wonderful companions for the elderly. They not only provide emotional support but also offer health benefits like reducing stress and lowering blood pressure.

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Their ability to live in the present moment is especially beneficial for older individuals who might have anxieties about the future.

Learn more about Sally and her grandma in the video below!

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